survey + some thingZ!*<33~*!

Jul 30, 2002 22:46

okie first off pple, imma be gettin a new AIM screen name but i dunno what its gonna be yet! ;] i got a new email address + its okaiiz!? i made a new lj but i aint givin y'all the name until im sure im switchin<33!* welp, heres a lil survey i stole from one of my bitches<33!&(*#

- last movie you saw on video: me n kev watched the south park movie lol ;x
- last movie you saw on the big screen: MIB2/mr deeds
- last phone number you called: kevinz<3!*
- last show you watched on TV: ren and stimpy ;x
- last song you heard: nore--> nothin (MY FAV!!)
- last thing you had to drink: mountain dew
- last thing you ate: umm.. a banana lol
- last time you showered: this morning..i aint dirty
- last time you cried: last night.
- last time you smiled: when i saw kevin
- last time you laughed: hmm couple hours??
- last person you hugged: mah babii<33
- last person you kissed: mah babii<33
- last thing you said: i love you
- last person you talked to online: oHh god..dont usually chat ;x
- last person you talked to on the phone: mah babii<33
- last thing you smelled: mah babiiz cologne!*

Do you...
- smoke? yeepp ;]
- do drugs? never
- drink? s0metimez.
- have sex? OHHHH LORD!
- sleep with stuffed animals? yea..kevz! lol <33
- have a crush? mah man!!
-have a boyfriend/girlfriend? YESH!! + i love him<3
- have a dream that keeps coming back? those are cool =)
- play an instrument? hmm..
- believe there is life on other planets? that would be sickness
- read the newspaper? onlii if something interests me
- have any gay or lesbian friends? yes, many actually.
- believe in miracles? YES!!
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? i am to kevin<3
- consider yourself tolerant of others? depends..
- consider police a friend or foe? HAHAHAH THEY SUCK ASS!!
- like the taste of alcohol? ewwie ;x
- have a favourite Stooge? could care less
- believe in astrology? sometimes it scares me lololz
- believe in magic? sometimes
- pray? yes.
- go to church? i should but no ;/
- have any secrets? doesnt everyone!?
- have any pets? a kitty + a puppii<33
- go to or plan to go to college? i always change my mind
- have a degree? im in HS! lol
- talk to strangers who instant message you? yeah i tell em to fxck off!
- wear hats? naahhh ;x
- have any piercings? ears + tongue
- have any tattoos? i want 2. a butterfly + tinkerbell hehe<3
- hate yourself? sometimes imma gEeK
- have a "hot spot"? teehee. onlii kevy would know lolz jk
- wish on stars? yes + sometimes it works
- like your handwriting? my printing YES!
- have any bad habits? doesnt everyone!??
- believe in witches? nah but i believe in bitches lol
- believe in Satan? nah hes gayy
- believe in ghosts? eeek ;x ::chills::
- believe in Santa? yeah its my mommii!!
- believe in the Easter Bunny? that would be mom again
- believe in the Tooth Fairy? MOMMMYYYY!*(&^@(*&@
- have a second family? hmm sure.
- trust others easily? HELLLLZZZ NOOOO!
- like sarcasm? gOd! could i be anymore sarcastic??
- take walks in the rain? fxck that!! run around!!* lol
- kiss with your eyes closed? yeah if it means something to me
- sing in the shower? nah but brian could learn how to LOLOLOLZ!

welppppzz, thas all i got fer now!! AGAIN, i am soooooo damn SORRY to all mah lj friends ;x the comments will be coming REAL SOON!! i jus havent had the time okaiz? thanks u guys *iluaaf*

xOxO kevinz babii grl<3!*

¤ kevin + melissa = tru luv<33!* ~aaf~ --143-- ¤
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