Nov 24, 2004 18:34
past days have been iight..last nite was funny..i went 2 the midnight madness thiing at the high school with myck paula katie n was alot of fun..then i got home bout 11 n i watched boy meets world n then watched a movie...i was tired so i went 2 sleep at 1:30..then i woke up 2day at fuckin 12..i did absolutly nada except 4 cleanin my room went 2 the dmv n went im here doin nada n i think im gonna rent a movie n tell kaite 2 come shld b fun...well im happy about 1 finally over him 4 hurts n shit but im over him n now i dont lke ne1..kaite still thinks i lke greg which i deffffffffff dont n yea its funnny but neway..i gotta bizounce 2 go rent a movie so kaite cn come over so peace bitch