Nov 17, 2004 20:49
well these past couple of days have been ok...monday nite was ok...i was only lke the whole nite...but during the day sucked...then tuesday was dad left for lake george which is good...n then i went online once again...some1 imed me n asked me 2 do them a favor by lieing to sum1 which is fucked up but w.e...n then 2day was ok...kevin came back 2 school!!! he got his car 2day...i was suppose 2 stay after 4 dance but they canceled it so i had 2 stay in the school 4 lke an hour doin nothing...thn kevin came back from tech n he drove me 2 work...he kinda taught me 2 do stick shift in his car cause his car is was ok...i did nothin lke usual...omgg i was fuckin vaccumming the rug in the day care n i had 2 fix the rug n i smacked my head against the counter!!! it was fuckin bleedin a little but i have this bump on my head now n it hurts soo bad...n it still fucking hurts oomgg...then after work i went 2 friendlys with mommy n we had dinner...then we went 2 staples n bought a computer thingy n this phone thing...then i came home n watched tv n now im here...OK ALL U FUCKING PPL WHO WONT SHUT UR FUCKIN MOUTHS BETTER SHUT IT SOON...U DONT NEED 2 BE NOSEY LITTLE BITCHS N GET IN2 OTHER PPLS BUSINESSES...sry i had 2 say tht cause ppl in mahopac r sooo nosey my god...but neway...gots 2 take a shower so i cn get ready 4 great school 2morrow...more joy...iight peace bitch