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Apr 30, 2005 15:43

ahh sooo bored right now...and i am looking for a new layout which i need! ah lol... school is boring as usual..LMFAO jessica we are going on an adventure! haha its our lil secret..lol back in horsecreek.. jessica, ahh its paul and his portable wheel chair! WHAT A BLONDE! lol and then the ppl with the dog were coming and we hid from then and like 30 min. later i was like i think there gone! HAHA..heck yes lets kill a bear! OHHKAY ONE MORE HiT AND iT OUTTA BE DEAD! haha lol SOOO much fun back in horsecreek..and us getting lost the first time and going around the lake and jumping off these HUGE piles of dirt..gosh tyler they are soo big! they are like 50 ft. high! hah what a dork he seriously believes taht they are huge mountains of dirt and stuff

yeah kk well my mom is yelling at me right now to go do effing hebrew...amanda knows how GAY it is lol..so i'm gonna go and pretend like i am studying haha..i'll do it later though or else i will get shot in the head by sherman or jacobson, they gayest ppl alive...

kk xOox rebekah

lOve me like i lOve you baby... «|3
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