Sep 30, 2004 19:05
im on tha phone wiff Liandra right now..nd yah she sed "Hi" to whoever decides to read this lol..so0o yeAh might get a lil bit distracted from what im writin but datz okay =)..uhh i 4get wat happend the past we days so it cuddnt of been nothin important lol..uhm..
--> Today..kisha told me that alan said im jealous of him nd his gurl? ha no0o i dont think so buddy!! good..uhh..seen nick *everywhere* i went haha..i didnt mind =)..he kept passin bak nd forth at lunch nd ppl kept sayin he was lo0kinz at yah i got jus a lil bitz happy =)..nd dennn he was in the hall by my class nd the only thing he had time to say to me was "is this ur 6th period class?" nd then the teacher made him leave nd made me get in the class...ARGGG mAkez me MAD..ANWAYS i got freAkin a skip slip thinger from skippin wit remy kristina nd now i got *3* office detentions..fuCcin SUCKS ass..oh well ill live..liandras comin over friday nd shes gona stay after school with me..hehe =)..yea thats all that i member? lol oh well =D
<3 --> Lin`z ((Lv somethin?))