Aug 08, 2004 01:31
ive been up to so much the past week. im really disappointed i have to go away so soon. but anyways, friday nite i went to the movies with larissa, sarah, amanda, jess w, and melissa. we saw frankie carolyn megann stiffler omg like a ton of people there it was great! then today i went to the beach with amanda and jess. that was good... the weather prevented us from going in the water. it wasnt a very good beach day, but i always have fun with those girls. tonite i went out with my mom and sister and saw spiderman 2 (finally!) it was good, and it was kinda fun bc i never really spend good time with my family.
gin and tor, are we still on for monday? you guys are VERY hard to make plans with!! but i loveee you's.
<33 vicki