change devel0ps int0 living && living is all we g0t

Mar 21, 2006 19:30


a l0t of that has been happening lately.

its b0th g0od && bad.

but it's definitely change.

1) i realized im n0t talkin t0 pe0ple i havent talked t0 as little as a m0nth ag0..and it really hurts && i d0n't kn0w what t0 d0 or even if th0se pe0ple want it that way but i kn0w i have t0 d0 suffin quick cuz then i'll l0se them once and f0r all and i definitely d0nt want that t0 happen.

2) IB is bec0ming SOOO much easier..things are g0ing by sm0othly && its n0t a struggle t0 d0 the h0mew0rk anym0re..g0od sign :D

3) the c0r0lla is finally mine!!!! i 'micc-ed it up' (acc0rding t0 eric) t0day and i'm the only one that will be using it fr0m n0w on..righte0usssss

4) speaking ab0ut the eric..he's bacc && i c0uldn't be happier..he juss makes me feel s0 c0mplete and s0o happy all the time that i c0uldn't ask f0r anything better && i think this time i finally FINALLY realized what our relati0nship is and h0w true and deep it really is and h0w that's all i need <33333

5) as opp0sed t0 n0t talkin t0 pe0ple, im als0 starting t0 talk t0 s0me pe0ple s0rta juss happened on its own && n0 one f0rced it and i think thats why it's's's g0od..thank g0ddddd :)

6) my views on things that are happening in the w0rld are changing m0re aware of things and juss much m0re open-minded ab0ut everything

8) im gettin a j0b..its either at the tara or weezie d in br0nxville or the haggan daiz in br0nxville..accress0rie isnt hiring :(...that makes me sad..but weezie d is a really cuteee st0re and they really liked me..s0o this will be own m0ney..resp0nsibility..AHH!!! im gr0wing up!!

7) in less than 3 m0nths i will be a seni0r && im n0t ready f0r that :/ it scares the crap out of me juss talkin b0ut c0llege and stuffies and next year ill actually have t0 g0 thr0ugh with it..very scurryyy...very much's all c0min t0o fast && that change im n0t ready f0r yet..n0t quite yet


p.s.: c0untd0wns!!!!!!!!

17 days till spring's ab0ut fcukkin timeeeee
20 days till |R|E|N|T| still hasnt sunk in yet i d0nt think
58 days till my 17th birfday..thats g0nna be a h0t juss puttin that out there :D
48 days till the last day of juni0r year..that one's scary :/ :/ (n0t including weekends and vacays and stuffies)
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