Mar 02, 2006 19:41
i cant believe im talkin to him again...and what's so0o weird about it all is that it doesnt even seem like we stopped talkin..everything seems like its bacc to normal and hes juss him and im juss me..we know each other inside and out and its weird cuz some of the things we say to each other brings us bacc to a time..the time when everything was right...everything was like it was now but we were goin out..thats what's weird..the fact that everything's the say except we dont go out..wouldnt it be a lil different considering the fact that we're not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore? wouldn't you think? well its not and THAT's what's weird.
...and the thing is i don't want to stop talkin to him ever a very WEIRD (there goes that word again) i juss wanna keep talkin to him and talkin to him..i feel like it will make up for the lost time..but it doesnt..and i know that..but i dont dare stop..we talked for 6 hours last nite...6 hours..that is crazy...and good..and very very