Nov 07, 2005 14:36
yeah this would have to be the lonqest i`ve qone w//out updatinq ..
-- brouqht my qrades up some .. i think ..
-- drama level went waaaay down .. me & Ash are back on track ; she deff. showed me who i can depend on & who i can`t .. love you sweetie <33 couldn`t make it w//out you <33 bffeae
-- me & Justin`s 2 mOnths [[ or 3 .. ]] hellls yeah. we`re dOinq sOo qood ; i adore our relatiOnship <33 it`s perfect <33
-- Halloween was a quality niqht. spent it w// my riqht hand wOman & my loverrrrr & Timi, Caroline & Jeremy...
yeah i`m basically done in here ..
... til next time ;;
<33 Alex