Sep 21, 2005 15:52
yeah soooo ..
school // retarded. classes suck. i love my qirls <3 i hate drama
everythinq else i don`t feel like cataqOrizinq // fabulOus. minus the jOb situation. which involves wOrkinq Saturday & Sunday, takinq time away from when i cOuld be beinq cOol w// my my other half ;<3 Melissaaaaaaaaa !! whom i adore more then any persOn in this entire universe & always will. this whOle not seeinq her everyday thinq isn`t wOrkinq fOr me .. they have us sO loaded dOwn w// hmwrk, i dOn`t have time for anythinq .. & juniOr year is "the year" so i really wanna dO qOod & finally make mOm somewhat prOud .. but i miss her. i miss havinq her w// me 24/7. the only cOmfortinq thinq is our friendship wOn`t chanqe & never will. `* schOols won`t break us <33
<33 Alex