Jul 06, 2005 16:23
aww trishy i want to do it tooo!<3
I am not: happy with all my decisons
I hurt: all the time in the inside
I love: all my bests
I hate: boys who break mi corazon
I fear: being lonley
I hope: for every one to b e happy
I hear: tricia talking to me and bobby valentino
I crave: A crosby backery cookkie
I regret: wasting my time on this one boy :/
I cry: all the time, it makes me feel better actually
I care: about Mi famila && my bests
I always: lsitening to music
I long to: long someone.
I feel alone:at night time
I listen: Lyrics in music
I hide: when i dont want something to happen
I drive: myself crazy thinking about HIM
I sing: for fun!
I dance: with shanny && trishy
I write: poems yo'
I breathe: when i am stressed
I play: with peoples minds(boys) ehehe
I miss: back in the dayzzz
I have: lovely friends
I give: alot of love
I fight: 4 what i want
I wait:"for the perfect one"
I need: to be grateful for what i have
I am: proud of who i am
I think: Josh is pretty cute actually....yah everyone wanted me to say it so yahh :P
I can't help the fact that: IM loca 4 boys
I stay: myself
I search: FOR NELLY
I learn: from peers
I feel: like i should be alone sometimes :/
I know: nothing really
I fail: when i give yo'
I dream: having a happy family like a fairytale
I sleep: when theres nothing else do
I wonder: what people see in me???
I want: yoo!
I worry: that i do things to make other people happy too much
C o m m e n t <3
P l e a s e<3