Oct 14, 2004 14:24
hey well today was fine. In first period we had a group test and we took up the whole class yesterday and today with it, so thats cool.
OMG in second period i have biology with MR.Colombano and he was fuckin pissin me off! So i was talking to katie in the beggining of class during the announcments, cause they are boring...and he sends me outside, and so i go outside. And then andrew is sent outside so poeple walk by and we are all talking with them, and shit like that. And then all the sudden Ace goes ok you can come back in....come in now or you will be out there the whole period....and then hes like 5, 4, 3, 2, if you arent in here you fail, 1 and we walk in there, and hes like yeah rachel why were you out there? you werent spose to be! and i was like WHAT?! you sent me out there for talking and he was like no i said be quiet, and i was all bull shit im sitting down and he starts laughing. But w.e.
Then 3rd period i have tutt and we are typing right, and the words we are typing are like fuckin retarded....like, ;jyj' hessd'fmv; kuk juag';'....and shit like that and im like what the fuck is this shit?! i dont need to know how to type all that crap! But w.e. it is better then sitting there with ms. faulds.
Oh and randy is an asshole, i tol dhim not to ask her oout! i told him it would be a mistake, i mean they dont do shit, they hardly even like talk! BUT NO he still asked her out! watta douche bag....oh and then he is callin me names, im not going to write them in here, but if you wanna know ask me, and hes mean! And so is matt alterie i mean i am not hurt anymore!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE YOU GET BITCH SLAPPED!
Lol. ha ha jack is funny he notices things hella late! Oh and i hate spanish now, it is so confuzzing, i like english better, no offense to mexicans or whatever.
Well i am going to go shopping in like 30 minutes, so i am happy! and then when i get home i have to go to bball condittioning so i am sad....but its ok! i dont really care but my shoulder hurts and it shouldnt? so whatever imma go get a popsicle so bye-bye!
**Oh and melanie was givin me dirty ass looks at lunch and so i called her out about it, and she was like no? i was just looking at you? and i was like LIAR! SCREW YOU! oh and i saw ashley at lunch! it was cool, lol. Oh and i went to sleep at like 6:00 pm last night! so i am so s0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o hyper!!
**Oh and for those of you whom i havent told i went to the store the other day, and my family are G's because we went to 2 places to get food, that is so fetch! lol.....but yeah we are hella loaded! So yeah imma go eat...DONT FORGET TO COMMENT!