Apr 28, 2004 12:52
So much has happened since my last entry and it's only been like 3 weeks. First we'll start with the rest of my trip to Cleveland. Travis and I drove into the city at 6 o' clock, cause the concert was supposed to start at 8. We are told by EVERYONE around that the concert at been rescheduled to June 29th. We were SO annoyed, cause we had been so excited. Anyways.. so we decide that we are determinded to have a good time. So we go out to one of the gay bars up there called The Grid. We had such a good time that we both decided to stay an extra night, so that we could go out on Friday night, when it would be little busier. We stay until Saturday and went out Friday night. We tried a different club called Bounce.
Then I get home and nothing really happens for a little, then on Wednesday, April 7th, my Mamaw died. She had been fighting cancer for 3 years, and it finally went to her brain. So the weekend before Easter I had the funeral stuff to attend. Visitation was all day on Friday, and Saturday morning before the funeral itself. I did really well with everything, considering how emotional I can be. I was actually kinda mad at myself because I wasn't as upset as I thought I should have been. That week really took a lot out of me.
The next week I had to really concentrate on getting ready to leave for Cedar Point. I hadn't even begun moving stuff out of my apartment, and I still had to get my stuff together to take and all that. Well.. I got everything done I needed to do and off to Cedar Point Travis and I went. We left last Thursday and made it up here around 3:30. As it turns out the dormitories up here look like a nun's bedroom, only with out paint on the walls. So when we came to the housing office, we were told that the only housing available right now were the 16 people apartments. Well, I move in to the apartment they gave me and to found it to be full of bitches! Except for a couple. So I stayed at Travis's apartment with him for a couple days. Then some girls from my old apartment were like, "we're moving to an empty apartment, you want to move with us?" So I did and so far there are only 5 of us living here and right now I have my own room which is nice, but I know it's not going to last long. Anyways.. lets see.. there are so many gay guys up here it's ridiculous. They're everywhere and I love it. I feel right at home.. lol. Also, everyone is so nice and willing to make friends. I've met a lot of great people and have made some good friends already, and barely anyone is even here yet. I've been working the last couple days, which kinda sucks. I have to be there at 9am to help clean up the restaurants and get them ready. Eck! But I'm off by like 3, so then I have all evening to do whatever. I really can't believe that I have only been up here for a little less then a week. It feels like home already, and it's like I've been here forever. You just fall right into the pattern of things, and go with it. It's great. Well that's enough rambling from me.. he he. I'll update again soon..