Adventures In Smackland!

Jun 09, 2006 22:55

This evening me and my housemate explored the old factory/warehouse thing near our house.  Some of you will know the place I mean - you can get to it via Great Northern Road, and it's sat kinda on a hill and is supposedly full of smackheads.

Anyway, at the side where the track goes past it, there's a bloody big hole into the thing so you can actually get in it.  It looks like somebody smashed a lorry into the wall or something, there's massive chunks of rubble everywhere.  So me and Colin stood there a moment just sort of marvelling at the place - it's massive and semi-burnt out inside - before deciding it might be too risky to actually go in cos it might be full of syringes and hobos.  But the lure was too great so we wandered in and looked around, and it's really cool.  No syringes, which was a little weird, but plenty of burnt aerosol and beer cans.  On the right when you enter there's a wonky, rusted spiral staircase leading to the second floor, but it's at a funny angle and the railings disappear a few steps from the top, so we didn't dare try to climb it.  Towards the far end of the place are huge sliding doors that are semi-boarded up, with a creepy black space beyond them.  We got as close as we could but the floor is hideously buckled and sagging at various points, like something underneath pushed up at the concrete and bricks, and it looks like you'd easily fall through.  Plus, the place is full of pigeons and small birds in the rafters, and sheets of torn plastic scrape in the wind, so it sounds creepy, even though it was broad daylight.  I kinda wish I'd had a chance to take pictures, so if I can be bothered I'll pick up a disposable camera and try and scan pics in, but that's a big "if", cos it's really somewhere you should experience for yourself.  When we left, a scruffy looking man in a baseball cap wandered into it, and was all like "hey fellas, 'ave ya got some pills?"  and we were all like "Nah mate, sho nuff we not got none dat bizkits" and he was all like (lifting his hat slightly to scratch his head) "No way man, I only came here to party" and we were all like "you don't need drugs to get jiggy, you filthy fucking smackhead" he was like "You scootin' man, dat ain't possible, yo" and we were like "yes way! you can join us for a DISCO DANCE PARTY IN MY PANTS!" and he was like "alright then" and we were like "cool beans, bring those shifty looking mates of yours that're hiding in the shadows" and then all the tramps and winos got spastic IN MY PANTS.
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