Mar 29, 2006 12:00
busy day today...had drivin lesson this mornin..went well..said im doing good..done a wheel spin HAHA!!! gettin used 2 3 point turns but im going 2 fast on left reverse at mo lol..i went past the graton centre..i was like OMG! lol..went alright thou!!
got work at 2-6 today..da gurls there are so nice..not settled in properly yet thou..dunno wat 2 say 2 em lol..its good though..
then kyle is pickin me up at 6..coming back 2 mine, gettin my stuff ready 2 stay at his..2night and 2mora :)! then packin for my holiday thursday :D im well excited..even though we will probz get lost..
sorry u aint heard from me in a jus really busy with work and not at home u dont really hear from lil old me lol..
r u all ok? scott where is bingo? and how much?
Q1) A - Age you lost your virginity? 16
Q2) B - Birthday? 31/07/88
Q3) C - Current worry? ermmm...none right this moment!
Q4) D - Dad's Name? Paul
Q5) E - Easiest person to make you laugh? Scott miss our days of laughin constantly! but Kyle does really make me laugh lol
Q6) F - Food you eat the most? Pasta recently
Q7) G - Any encounters with ghosts? Naa
Q8) H - Happy? Im happy yea
Q9) I - Interesting fact people don't know about you? ermmmm i dont know
Q10) J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on? na i dont think so!.
Q11) K - Kissing with eyes open or closed? closed def
Q12) L - Last time you did something "bad"? Im a good gurl *halo appears*
Q13) M - Most memorable moment you can think of in a moment? Kyle askin me out..was da sweetest!
Q14) N - ...? ay?
Q15) O - Are you organized? not as much as i used 2 be!
Q16) P - Person you last talked to on the phone? My mummy i think
Q17) Q - Last quote you heard? "You did well"
Q18) R - Last R Rated movie you saw? dunno!
Q19) S - Song you last sang? Ne-Yo - I aint gota tell u
Q20) T - Time you woke up? 8.30
Q21) U - U like who? mates and kyle
Q22) V - Vegetable you hate most? anything really lol
Q23) W - What are you most afraid of? SPIDERS!
Q24) X- X- rated love life? great!
Q25) Y - Yellowcard or Green Day? Green Day
Q26) Z- Zodiac Sign? Lil Leo! :)