You're Jenna Rink
(Jennifer Garner - '13 Going on 30')
You are a sparkling, fun dynamo of a person. You
enchant people with your smile, laughter and
ever infectious spunk! You are sweet and always
good-natured. Even the cranky anti-morning
people can't be mean to you.
You're creative and spontanteous. You express
yourself in like mediums, but also keep a
tangible diary.
You feel deeply and believe in fighting for what
you want.
You love music, family, and friends. You keep up
with the trends and often set the fashion
All in all, you're a doll!
Which Romantic Comedy Heroine Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Ballet Slippers What kind of shoe are you? The Mark Twain: A leisurely paddle steamboat
navigating the Rivers of America in the 19th
Century! A venerable Disneyland institution,
you date to opening day in 1955 and respresent
stablity, tradition, and a healthy dose of
Americana. You never make your passengers
seasick (in part due to the fact that you role
along your secret underwater track) and always
offer some great panoramic views of a Frontier
mining town, New Orleans, and back woods
glimpses of wildlife and injuns straight out of
a Samuel Clemens tale! Small children and old
folks like you best, but that doesn't mean you
don't know how to get out and enjoy the
nightlife, you play "Steamboat
Willie" in the nightly production of the
Fantasmic! Spectacular. Just one question,
just how is that you are always managing to be
headed "down river"?
What Disneyland attraction are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Morpheus
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by