whaz bumpin peoplez? righ now i'm chillen at
naiya's bday party. well i'm at
dante's crib pero this is where tha partiez at. blah. seems like everyone here has sumone speshul. d'z chillen w/ naiya. theyre so gotdamn kute togetha. i'd tell yall tha kute story tha happened between them tonigh pero i think i'll leave tha alone n let them tell u themselvez. -=0) then
eze is always w/ jessica.
raynuh got trey. felix aint w/ nobodie pero him n princesa staci been at it tonigh. i dont even think they like each otha, its tha liquor. lol therez a couple otha heads here as well pero they aint speshul enuff to be named. lol so im chillen w/ mya. she aint got nobodie eitha so we been makin tha best of things. -=0) kickin bak, sharin drinks, gettin our dance on. damn meng, i missed chillen w/ my best friend. -muah- mama. u kno wha tho? seein all these people here, togetha ... got me feelin kinda lonely. righ about now is when i wish i had a ladi. oh well tho righ? we cant always get wha we want. neway tha partiez jus startin to get bumpin so imma jet. gotta parlay 'fore d'z popz gets here n breaks it up yano? lol aigh im upz. ey
bribri .. -muah- boo. te amo. <3 -oNe-