and just do it people, I could use the ego boost and the smile...
I died from suicide:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I lived next door to you:
I started smoking:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got into a fight and you weren't there:
Read more... )
I died from suicide: AbSoLuTeLy PaSs OuT
I said I liked you: bE fReAkEd OuT a BiT..l0L
I kissed you: bE rEaLLy fReAkEd OuT!
I lived next door to you: wE'd HaNg OuT aLL tHe TiMe
I started smoking: TrY aNd GeT yOu tO StOp
I stole something: LaUgH--tHeN gEt ThE dEtAiLs! haHa
I was hospitalized: ViSiT yOu
I ran away from home: FiNd yA!! l0L
I got into a fight and you weren't there: NoT mUcH i cOulD dO--i wAsn'T tHeRe
Personality: gReAt!! yOu'rE so bUbbLy aNd fRiEnDly!
Eyes: pReeeEty
Face: yOu'rE gOrgEouS!
Hair: jEalOus--
Clothes: wAyy koOl--ohfOsHo!
Mannerisms: uHh--gOOd?
Family: tHey'rE awEsomE tOO!
Lie to make me feel better?: dOn'T thiNk so
Spread rumors about me?: no Way
Keep a secret if I told you one?: oF couRse
Loan me some cash?: yEsSs-
Hold my hand?: iF u werE sAd
Take a bullet for me?: pRobAbLy!!
Keep in touch?: moSt dEfinTley
Try and solve my problems?: yA!
Love me?: yEsS--as A frIenD
Date me?: nAhhh
*-AM I-*
1. Am I cute? yOu'rE soOoo pRettY!
2. Am I sweet? oHfosHO
3. Am I crazy? deFinTleY!!
4. Am I lovable? sUre
5. Am I a phsyco? kIndA--l0L..jusT kiddIng!
6. Am I funny? vEry fUnNy!
7. Am I daring? i DunnO
8. Am I a good person? yUp
*-Would You...-*
9. Hug me? wHy noT
10. Miss me if I was gone? YuP!
11. Listen to my problems? uH-hUh
12. Be a good friend? i dO mY besT noW!!
13. Ever go out with me? nO--i'M nOt liKe thAt l0L
14. If you already have...would you do it again? ^^
15. Kiss me? nO--sOrrY
16. Marry me if you could? ^^
17. Talk bad about me if we broke up? ^^
*-How Well Do You Know Me-*
18. When's my birthday? dUnnO!
19. How old am I? 14
20. What school do I go to? bErrY
21. Do I have any siblings? sTep sIsTer--jOrDan!
22. Who is my most current ex? sEth??
23. Who is my best friend? hMmmM-nO cluE!
24. What's my favorite animal? dOggY? l0L
25. What's my favorite sport? sOftbALl giRl!!
26. What's my favorite T.V. Show? dOn't kNOw
27. What's my favorite song? hMmm??
28. What's my favorite music group? jEssIca simPsOn? l0L
*-Who Am I-*
29. What T.V. Star do I remind you most of? whO knOwS?!
30. What song would you dedicate to me? ^^
31. What famous person do I most resemble? ParIs hiLtoN--hiLaRy duFf? i dON't know! l0L
*-If You Could-*
32. Give me a new name...What would it be? nIcolE--?? raNdOM nAMe
33. Hook me up with someone...Who would it be? josH duNnawAY! hAh jUst kIddIn
35. Drop me one piece of advice...What would it be? kEep pLayiNG sofTbalL and sTay sWeEt!
*-Just A Few Questions-*
36. What do you love about me? yoU'rE soOo mucH fUn!!
37. What do you hate about me? nothIng tHat i CaN thiNk oF
38. What is my best quality? yoU aRe sO swEet!
39. If you could change one thing about me...What would it be and why? i wIsH you wOuld ChAnGe sChoOls sO we cOuld hAnG out moRe! l0L--dOes thAt cOunT?
40. What is your honest opinion of me? i tHInk you'rE a gReaT fRiEnD--yOu'rE sOoo preTtY--sWeeT--aNd WaYYy fUn! l0L
Cant Wait UNtil TwIssTErs.. heh..
<33 Lindsey
yA i knOw--iT's gOnnA bE funNNnN!!
<3 chelSeY <3
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