Jan 10, 2006 23:20
|Word of the Day|
dubiety \doo-BY-uh-tee; dyoo-\, noun:
1. The condition or quality of being doubtful or skeptical.
2. A matter of doubt
You're a whore. A gross skankbag that talks too much about useless things, isn't very interesting, and isn't as smart as she think's she is. Boo you.
You suck.
I'm over this... or at least I will be by tomorrow.
P.S. This might seem mean but I have a right to rant... considering I never do it on LJ. So there.
P.P.S. Please don't try to guess who I'm talking about because, as I said, I'll be over it by tomorrow.
P.P.P.S. Music always helps doesn't it?