Dec 18, 2005 13:43
|Word of the Day|
vainglory \VAYN-glor-ee; vayn-GLOR-ee\, noun:
1. Excessive pride in one's achievements, abilities,
qualities, etc.
2. Vain display.
So I'm Domnique de Monaco. Which I don't mind. Yes, I know I really did want Rita, but I also secretly wanted Dominique too but just not as much coz' it was just sooo obvious that I was her. That comment wasn't me being cocky it's actually just the truth. Mrs. Verreault basically told me I was her before auditions even started. Hell, the bio read that Dominique was a, and I quote, "tall, sexy, black Frenchwoman". Hmm... I wonder who that would be (minus the sexy of course). I was just disappointed that they didn't even let me READ for Rita. They had their hearts so set on me being Dominique that they didn't even let me read for the part I wanted. Meh, I'm still actually ridiculously happy with the part I got coz' she's AWESOME and INCREDIBLY hot. And I've decided that I will wear fake eyelashes because this role gives me an excuse to : D. So all in all, everything fell into place, I guess.
As you may have noticed, I haven't updated in a million years...actually I lot of the things I did around the time I last updated haven't been happening since. I barely see Zebra Bank anymore... we talked about this on Friday and it saddened us both. But we don't have time. And he's overpreoccupied with the gf and work and tiredness and swimming and home and school and I work now as well (btw, in case you didn't know, I work at AE) so there's no time. And my uncle had a stroke. And my house was robbed in september. And I got Coldplay tickets (really good seats too, 100 sec.; Zak and Stef are accompanying me... yesssssss). And my birthday is coming soon. And the multicultural show was amazing (i was brown). And apparently I'm pretty, which is nice. And the band school tour was so much fun (I love seeing old teachers again.. and Mr. Sayers is my love ["I remember we did scenes for some play in gr.7 and I watched you and I thought 'That girl is talented'" <-- that comment made my year which makes the total number of year-making-comments made by Mr. Sayers 2, the other one being when he called me 'articulate' in gr. 7]). And x-mas is in a week. And the school caught on fire 2 weeks ago. And I'm tired and must leave.
There's much more to catch up on but I'm lazy so poo.
P.S. Yesterday I sang for Toy Mountain at the Barley Mow and it was actually so much fun. I saw my favourite MP, Pierre Pollievre (that comment actually made me throw up in my mouth a bit coz' I HATE HIM SO MUCH!) and as always, he was posing for photo ops *groans*. And I brought Santa on stage with me halfway through Rudolph. T'was quite fun.