Sep 06, 2005 21:03
Quotes of the Day
ur So PoThEtIc
Go SuCk A DiCk
-wHeN yOu _lOoK_ aT mE yOu tHiNk eVeRyThIng yOu s_e_e_ iS tRuE, bUht wHaT yOu dOn`t kNow iZ i`m A dAmN gOod aCtReSs tOo-
my attiiTude chanqEs iin a miinuTe fLat
ii can qO frOm { sweEt } liike { thiis }
tO { biiTch } Liike { thaT }
i find it kinda fuNNy
but alsO kinda sad
the dreams in which
| i`m dyin | are tha best i`ve ever had
-Do U Ever Juss Go To Sleep Hoping That
--U'll Wake Up In Tha Emergency Room
---And Here The Doc Say
----Im Sorry, But Shes Not Gonna Make It
I wonder if she makes him smile, the way he used to smile at me. I hope she doesn't make him laugh... because his laugh belongs to me
U wana Kno hOw i sURvive?
Take a gOOd lOOk
aT whos bY my sIdE
now ii`ll write " ii love you "
down the same number of times
you saiid iit to me. then i`ll
shove the hundreds of pages
down your throat so you can use
them for the next fool who
thiinks they're your world
Top Ten Blonde Inventions
1) The water-proof towel
2) Solar powered flashlight
3) Submarine screen door
4) A book on how to read
5) Inflatable dart board
6) A dictionary index
7) Ejector seat in a helicopter
8) Powdered water
9) Pedal-powered wheel chair
10) Water-proof tea bag
im dOne with tears and
wipping my eyes, 'cuz
if he dOesnt give a shit
____then why shOuld i?
ii have | r |e| g | r | e| t | s |
but n0 ap0l0giesZ
i look at him & he looks Right back & smiles
& it pathetically m a k e s m y d a Y
her masscara is running down her cheeks nd shes looking in the mirror saying, i miss HIM so much.
x.ii knOe He rEaLLy liiKe`Sz heR aNd ii`M nOt qOnna iiNtErfErE. x. sO iiMa juSt -siit- hErE aNd (wAtCh) mY wOrld -» d ii S s A p e a R
-If yOu dOn`t underStand muH silenCe*
yOu`ll nevEr understanD mUh wuRdz-
and there's nothing i can say.. i'll do my
best to hide the pain.. and turn n walk
away.. do me one last favor though..
[[pretend]] that your hurting too.. bcuz
after all that we've been through..
- - > it's the least that u could do < -
·i· can still hear your voiice frOm the 1st «
tiime you talked 2 `mEe* \\ ·ii· can stiill see the
lOok n your ''eyes frOm the 1st « tiime you
lOoked at mEe ¦¦ ·ii· can stiill feel your tOuch frOm
the 1st« tiime you held mEe all ·ii· knOw iis ·// ii
can see somethiinq +amaziinq´ between us¬
and babii iim never lettiinq » gO
*wE bEeN tHru SoOo MuCh Sh|T*
.aNd aFtEr iT aLL i FoUNd MySeLf sTiLL LoViNg YoO.
..bUt tHe OtHeR DaY i WoKe uP aNd I rEaLiZeD..
.yOo dUn mAkE mE fEeL sPeCiaL aNyMoRe.
..aLL yOo Do iS mAkE mE fEeL lYk iM wOrtHlEsS..
-- aNd I dUn NeEd ThAt -- sO gUeSs wHuT bOii?
..i'M *fInaLLy* OvEr yOo..
ThErEs OnLy OnE tHiNg
I dUn AbSoLuTeLy LuV bOuT hIm
..ThE fAcT tHaT hE dUn AbSoLuTeLy LoVe Me
im dOne with tears and
wipping my eyes, 'cuz
if he dOesnt give a shit
____then why shOuld i?
One night the moon said to the girl..
"Sweety, why don't you leave him if he makes you cry?"
She looked up at the moon and whispered...
"Moon, would you ever leave your sky?."
She's buried,
in the ground so cold..
A forgotten child,
Just 16 years old..
Her sweet smiling face
Won't again be seen...
In the halls at her high school..
Or with her friends on the street...
**your best friend
You Smile........I Smile
You Laugh.......I Laugh
You Cry...........I Cry
You Jump off a bridge.............
......I am gonna miss your DUMB ASS*
just b/c her eyes don't tear
doesnt mean her heart dont cry
& just b/c she comes off strong
doesnt mean theres nothin wrong
when i see your face i still get butterflies
people talk about you it brings tears to my eyes
when you touch me my stomach it always
turns i guess i have to put up with
everyone sayiing that giirl never learns
HaVeNt I bEeN uR sEcReT..
lOnG eNuFf