another fuggin survey..rrggh

Jun 14, 2002 23:18

1. Name: Lauren

2. Age: 13

3. Where are you from?: Jersey..i wanna mOve th0

4. School: HMS

5. Birthday: 10*03*88

6. Parents' names: Grace

7. Siblings' names: Ron & Cassie

8. Best friend's name(s): dana, kristen, jessie..and so many more!

9. Are you married?: too young

10. Are you single?: yep<33

11. Boy/Girl friend's name: hmm...

12. Crush's name: jimmy, but hes known as BATMAN!

13. Pet's name's: my doggy SeTh!

14. Color: yellow and pink

15. Food: pizza & taco bell..*yum*

16. Movie: Get Over It

17. Commercial: The Pizza Hut 1 with "Where`d tha cheese qO?!"

18. Songs: Avril Lavigne - `Complicated' ; Saluna - "For All Time" ; Dj Sammy - "Heaven"

19. CD: all tha 1`s i made ;D

20. Music group: Blink 182

21. Favorite female vocalist: Mariah Carey

22. Favorite male vocalist: Enrique

23. Favorite animal: beaver! lol rie..

24. Grocery Store: wtf does that have anything to do wit a survey?!

25. Clothing Store: aero, 579, aaf, etc;

26. Shoe brand: candies

26. Clothing brand: l.e.i

27. Part of the opposite sex's body: hmm...

28. What would you do on an ordinary weekend: chill wit friends or stay home and swim wit peoplez

29. Thing to do on the weekend: go shoppin!!

30. Cat/dog: dog

31. Good/evil: eViL

32. Tattoos/piercings: tattoos

33. Top/bottom: bottom

34. Phone/in person: phone

35. McDonalds/Burger King: bK

36. Heaven/hell: hell

37. BSB/Nsync: how about NOT and say we DiD?

38. Pimp/prostitute: hahahaa

39. Smooth/rough: smooth

40. J-Lo/Mango: mango?? o u mean tha guy from SNL?! No, J.Lo..

41. Britney/Christina: Britney

42. Pepsi/Coke: neither


43. Friends: dana

44. German: Nazi

45. Spanish: Hippie

46. Mouth: fOoD

47. Feet: toenails

48. Music: yay!

49. Love: heart

50. Hate: tmjprd

51. Turtle: slow, like tom!

52. Preppy: Erika Stinson

53. Tommy: Tom

54. Internet: Lj

55. Smoke: Marlboro

56. Drink: Iced Tea

57. Anatomy: science

58. Goodbyes: time to leave

59. Boat: no motor

60. Edward: Edmund


61. Be an animal, what would you be?: A Cheetah

62. Be the president, what would you do?: I Wouldn`t be a pres. I`d be a dictator!! i will rule you!!!!

63. Be your mom, how would you raise you?: the way i already am.

64. Be an existing actress, who would you be?: Marilyn Monroe

65. Go back in time, would you?: def.

66. Change anything about yourself, what would it be?: my appearance, especially my legs..

67. Date anyone in the world, who would it be: my crush, jimmy

68. Speak another language, what would you speak?: french or latin..i`m not shure..

69. If you could have sex with one person in the world who would it be: iunn0

70. Change your name, what would you change it to?: Nicolette

~*30 MORE TO GO*~

71. What's your favorite childhood memory?: just not worrying about anything

72. How would you describe yourself?: short, funny, etc.

73. Are you smart?: i guess

74. Do you do drugs?: nahh

75. What's your I.Q.?: oh... well let's see...LIKE I KNOW?

76. What do you want to be when you grow up?: nurse

77. How many kids do you want to have?: 2 r 3

78. What will you name your first child?: if its a gurl, Hayley, if its a boy..iunnO.

79. What time is it?: 11:08 P.M.

80. Would you say that you are boring?: anything but it

81. Would you say you're going to succeed one day?: definately

82. What do you think about September 11th?: i don`t think i do, i`ll do anything i can to get over it.

83. Do you drive?: nah..i wanna th0, wh0 d0esn`t?!

84. Do you drink and drive?: i can`t drive smart asz ;p

85. What's your favorite type of music?: everything from punk to pop

86. What's the most important thing in your life right now?: myself

87. What are you thinking about right now?: the 5 days left of skewl..yes, thats right, i`m still in skewl.

88. Do you think some of these questions are dumb?: yeah, alOt

89. How do you eat a Reese's?: i nibble the edges

90. How do you eat an Oreo?: i twist in apart and lick the creme..yum

91. If you could change one thing in history, what would it be?: 9-11 and my dad dying.. i miss you dad!, and no, he didn`t die in 9-11, he died because he had cancer..i`d try to get a cure 4 it

92. What do you think about homosexuality?:ew

93. What do you think about interacial dating?: no problemo wit it

94. Would you ever go on Jerry Springer?: of course, i`d be like the female steve!

95. How much money is in your pocket?: none, but not for long hopefully .. ;]

96. Are you happy that there are only 4 questions left?: u kiddin!?

97. What's the last thing you ate?: french fries

98. What are you doing tomorrow?: gunna go swimmin no matta what tha weathers like.

99. Who's your hero?: my mom <33

100. What are you going to do now that the survey is over?: go get ready for bed...itz 11*14!

<3 . ren

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