Oct 30, 2004 08:31
hi. it's been a while, sorry. ha i say that every time i update. wutev. things were goin good for a while, but now i have no idea whats up with my love life. vinny's so predictable. (that song is perfect). so anyway, besides the stupid stuff things haven't really been great at all. i still know how to keep a big smile on my face though, i got better at that. and anyone who tries to bring me down, YOU have serious problems. yu should know who you are by now. just keep this in mind: i respect the ones who respect me back. yeah so whatever - im FiNE without you, so stop trying to convince yourself im miserable w/o u. and i hope you never come back or even try to talk to me again. [ i love you gina <3; you're always here for me babe - that's a true best friend =). i dont really feel like writing anything else. um, oh yeah. today im going to my aunts house with my mom to babysit maddie and get buddy groomed. (it was only under the condition that we would go shopping before hand). so call my cell if you ever need someone to talk to tonight and today. i'm always all ears.
..sad excuses and false hopes high, i saw this coming and still i dont know why..
++nicole (check out my song bizatches - 2mors the holiday: happy halloween evry1)