(no subject)

Jun 09, 2003 17:03

well i have been a busy little girl.Friday i went into school for an R.E exam.wrote some stuff and adam picked me up from school after. we lazed around all day and he took me home...after id helped him in the garage.Saturday was busy.was working ALL DAY so im quite knackered, but im thinking of the £157.44p im gonna be gettin, and i keep going. worked for 4 hours sunday and went to adams house and slept.was meant to revise for a chemistry exam..but was too tired.
today was the chemistry exam..wished id revised now..stupid thing. i think ive really screwed up on the sciences...but i dont wanna have to take them again,so im praying i havent..erm..yah..lol.then there was english this afternoon.that was easy i guess.i hate writing about poems.i have to pass english though coz im doin it for alevel. i have maths tomorrow and im worried bout that...so im gonna go and revise soon,yes...me...revise.i need some sleep first though,im shattered.booked a hair dressers appointment-hallifuckinluya...bout time,im startin to resemble a bushy bush...with curly ends and fucked up hair colour. i wanna dye my hair,dont know if i can be bothered though...i want some sleepies! the fones ringing..its danniella for my sister,cant really write no more coz she'll be reading as i is writing...nosey parker!
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