(no subject)

May 27, 2003 22:09

Well...today is day two of half term...and my god am i bored.its late now,but theres still nothing on t.v. i was meant to revise today..but i just didnt want too.so i did my avon orders..payed the avon bill and took it to the post office, sent off my photos to be developed and posted off this thing for school - yayness. then i found this picture of a fairy on the internet and copied it onto a clay tile so i can paint it later on in the study leave.
i watched t.v and chatted online, but didnt actually get round to revision. i resisted the urge to call adam at 6.30, but i broke at 8.45 coz i really just wanted to hear his voice.he was rowing with his mum,so i didnt chat for too long. hes going up to oakdean 2moro.id kinda like to go, but i think he just wants to go ride out with his dad, so i dont mind too much.i think he's hiding something. i kinda think something went on saturday night wen i was in wales,but im not too sure.i dont wannna acuse him of anything coz its not fair,but i just got this little feeling thats all.i feel mean sayin it, but i cant help it.
spoke to an old friend for the first time in a while.was good to speak 2 them,not much really interesting to say really, but im determined to not let them forget bout me..well for now anyway.so thats it really... nothing exciting at all.i just want something new and wild to turn up.go somewhere,do something. but now before i go anywhere i think of adam and realise the restrictions that come with a relationship.i dont really mind,id rather be in a relationship with him than not.lord knows ive fought for him hard enough.but wen i hear amy and people talking bout the 'wild' weekend, i realise that i dont want to do that stuff anymore.i dont like not seeing adam.he doesnt really mind at all i dont think...but i do.
i know this online journal thing is meant to be just like a fun thing, that u put the odd intalectual thought into, but i dont care, coz its a good way to get all that im thinking about out.i know that my friends dont really think about reading it that much, and to be honest i dont really care if they do...coz theres not gonna be anything earth shattering in here,so why not?
people have to express how they feel.they dont do it enough in my view.of course there is a limit to how much expression a person should put out, but people these days are so bland.so simple, carbon copied, stereotyped.it pisses me right off im tellin u! like adam.i know he loves me, well i hope he does, coz i really love him more than air itself..but he never really shows it.he says "i love u" all the time..but does there become a time wen saying that becomes a habit more than reality and meaningful? i dont know.. i dont think its habit,i mite have a philosophical chat with him wen he calls 2moro.if im in the mood.well..thats enough garbage posted for now. ive probably scrambled whoevers reading this's brains by now.
luv n snuggles.
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