Title: Do You Believe in Fate? (17/?)
Author: Babette
babettew54Category: Smallville
Characters: Clark Luthor/Alt-Lois Lane, Jonathan/Martha, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Bruce Wayne, Tess Luthor, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Conner Kent
Rating: M
Word Count: 4,200
Disclaimer: DC Comics/Warner Brothers owns these characters. No profit is being made from this story. This is strictly for my own amusement.
Author’s Notes: In this next chapter, Clark and Lois make plans for their first date then make a deeper connection, Silena goes into labor at seven months, and later, Clark applies for a job at the Planet. Please read and review. Thanks, everyone! :D
Banner by Ctbn60
ACT I: Redemption
Chapter 1)(
Chapter 2)(
Chapter 3)(
Chapter 4)(
Chapter 5)
Chapter 6)(
Chapter 7)(
Chapter 8)(
Chapter 9)
ACT II: Seven Days
Chapter 10)(
Chapter 11)(
Chapter 12)(
Chapter 13)(
Chapter 14)
Chapter 15)(
Chapter 16)
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AO3); (
Click here to read Chapter 17: One Sweet Love)