
Dec 25, 2004 16:35

i would just like to take this time to share with everyone the comment that i've recieved recently to my prior post...

2004-12-24 17:18 (from (link) Select

The reason why you attract fake people, (is) because you yourself, is fake. All (I) have ever seen you do is living a gossipy lie so you will somehow gain affection or attention from other fake people like yourself. All you've wanted was acceptance and appreciation and you really did not care if that meant spreading cruel rumors, talking about your friends, or saving your ass by claiming you never said a word. You haven't created a monster, you've brought two people together that realize that no matter how many times they've given you a chance, you will never change, and you will perpetually do anything you can to gain SOMETHING, even if it means hurting people around you. They don't think they are God's gift to creation, nor have they ever. Maybe they are wordly and smart because they don't revolve their lives around bringing other people down to feel better about themselves. Trust me, the lies you've told between them will never fade, and they both know exactly how you are, and understand that's just the way it is. Sure, it has bothered them, seeing as how you've done countless things to lose their faith in you as a good person, but why does it shock or just come to you now? This has been going on for years. Don't put on the question mark face now.

Maybe they are everything you hate in life because they've gained each others appreciation by just being themselves, and not revolving their lives around FAKENESS. They don't have to talk about you to make them like each other more, unlike you've done in the past. Sure, we've all said something negative or spread gossip about people for five minutes of fame. It will never gain you true respect, remember that.

Just be yourself, and be true to others, and you will gain true friendship. I can say that I've made plenty of mistakes in life regarding real and fake friends, but at this point, I know who's for real and who's not, and I will cherish that forever.

Sometimes people DO talk about people for legit reasons. I know I've been told things as constructive criticism, and no matter how much it hurt, I tried to improve from it. People will always talk. Be confident enough to realize that if you are honest with yourself and other people, you won't have anything to worry about.

Merry Christmas."

Nice huh?...

well i think that whoever you are....needs to get a clue. I have never been anything but nice to people. EVER SINCE I MOVED HERE I HAVE DEALT WITH FUCKING BULLSHIT FROM ALL YOU PEOPLE. I was told that i needed to change...into one of...you...if i wanted to make it. So i did...and i didn't like it. Yea i know that i have talked about people...but so have all of you...don't say that you have never been a part of gossip. WE went to Solvay...the rumor mill. everyone has participated in this stupid game of high school fucking drama. And these two people that i was talking about...know that they've done me wrong...and i did them wrong back because revenge is the only language people understand. But anything that i have ever done that was cruel...had a fucking reason. There's a lot of shit that you all don't know about...because i don't like to admit when i was made a fool out of.

And yes...at points EVERYONE is fake...but there is a time to be fake and a time to be real...and there is a big difference in being fake and shutting your mouth and watch things happen.

I'm not fucking perfect...but i do know that i have been walked all over by .EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.YOU. No exceptions.

so whoever wrote that nasty comment and had enough nreve to put merry christmas needs to grow some balls put their name and fucking get a reality check. You know nothing about the situation because you've never heard my side...all you've heard is the compulsive liars side that woud say anything in order to make herself look good...and the other one is just a sheep...

i'm done feeling sorry for both of them...i'm done trying to make them feel better when they come crying to me that someone was talking about them and they couldn't believe I WAS RIGHT. Of course i was right...i have a good judge of character. (or rather...my parents do.)

Anyways. Merry Christmas to all my friends :o)

<33 Dana
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