
Aug 30, 2004 12:27

[ Current Clothes ] shorts and a hoodie
[ Current Mood ] cranky
[ Current Music ] early evanescence
[ Current Taste ] nothing
[ Current Make-up ] none

[ Current Hair ] down
[ Current Annoyance ] this damn entry
[ Current Smell ] my sniffer aint workin so none
[ Current Desktop Picture ] cristina aguilera...
[ Current Book you're reading ] none!
[ Current CD in CD Player] car-lacuna coil, room- some random mixes, down here-evanescence
[ Current DVD in player] um...i think that wierd horse movie that my mom bought.
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] Pink!
[ Current Refreshment ] water
[ Current Worry ] if my car will pass inspection.

[ You Touched ] Dad
[ You Talked to ] Dad
[ You Hugged ] Ryan
[ You Instant messaged ] Twinny
[ You Yelled At ] errr...i don't remember
[You Kissed ] Ryan

[ Food ] italian
[ Drink ] perrier
[ Color ] Pink
[ Album ] Stripped
[ Shoes ] addidas flip flops...
[ Candy ] reeses
[ Animal ] llama!
[ TV Show ] Big Brother, Sex and the City( wah!)
[ Movie ] Any movie that can hold my attention for longer than 5 mins.
[ Song ] self deception
[ Vegetable ] green beans!
[ Fruit ] nanners!, kiwi, strawberries (although i seem to be allergic to them)
[ Cartoon Character ] it's a tie between ren and stimpy!
[ Number ] 4
[ Season ] summer
[ Sport ] football
[ Day ] friday

-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[ Pictured your crush naked? ] seen it
[ Actually seen ur crush naked ] awww yes :o)
[ Been in love ] yes
[ Cried when someone died ] yes
[ Lied ] yes

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[ Coke or pepsi ] coke
[ Flowers or candy] candy...
[ Tall or short ] tall

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do u notice first?] how they carry themselves
[last person u slow danced with] his room, cause he's a hopeless romantic! :o)

-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] I think...Brittany does.
[makes you smile?] Ryan
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them] Anything having to do with Janelle.
[who do you have a crush on?] um lets see,,,MY BOYFRIEND.
[has a crush on u?] Ryan...anyone else?
[is easiest to talk to] Alyssa

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] yea
[save aol/aim conversations] some
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex] only for a day
[cried because of someone saying something to you] yea...

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend] yes
[been rejected] yes
[rejected someone] yes
[used someone] not on purpose
[cheated on somebody] yes
[done something you regret] a long list of regrets....

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone] Nina

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U
[smoke cigarettes] no!
[could u live without the computer?] i have for the past 4 days
[color ur hair] i have.
[ever get off the damn computer] yea a lot
[habla espanol] si, hablo espanol, perro no me gusta.
[drink alchohol?] yes
[like watching sunrises or sunset] sunsets
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?] emotional

-N U M B E R-
of times I have had my heart broken? 3 times.
of hearts I have broken?: i think one. once.
of guys I have kissed?: lets
of continents I have lived in?: one
of scars on my body?: like.... too many to count

I AM : cranky!.
I WANT : a Ryan.
I HAVE : a hard time seeing due to lack of contacts.
I WISH : i didn't have to work today.
I HATE : these shorts.
I MISS : Ryan.
I FEAR : being alone.
I HEAR : my cd.
I SEARCH : for clothes.
I WONDER : who i'm working with tonight.
I REGRET : a lot of things
I LOVE : my family, friends and last but not least my wonderful b/f.
I ACHE : in my eye soickets...
I ALWAYS : leave my ring on
I AM NOT : comfortable.
I DANCE : when i feel like it
I SING : in my car
I CRY : a lot
I AM NOT ALWAYS : talkative
I WRITE : in here
I WIN : at....ummm...not a lot
I LOSE : at video games
I CONFUSE : those around me
I NEED : a kissy.

x. -father thinks I am: funny
x. -mother thinks I am: crazy
x. -my boyfriend thinks I am: too cute
x. -three things you are often complimented for: hair
x.-you get embarrassed when: i fall.
x. -makes you happy: Ryan and shoes.
x. -upsets you: a lot.

x. -you keep a diary: this?.
x. -you like to cook: sometimes
x. -you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yes
x. -you believe in love: yes

The finest male you know: ethan hawke has caught my fancy...but Ryan is.
The weirdest person you know: Joe
The loudest person you know: Kari
The sexiest person you know: um...ahha
Your best friends: Kari (been there through everything...), Jana (dependable and wonderful to talk to), Twinny (do i ned to explain???)
The person that knows the most about you: Janelle.
Most boring teacher: mrs fat duggan

Your most overused phrase on IM: lol
The last image/thought you go to sleep with: Ryan
Your best feature: butt? lol
Inside joke: heheh a lot.

Take a shower everyday: yea
Have a(any) crush(es): yes
Want to get married: yea
Get motion sickness: no
Think you're a health freak: ahaha me?
Get along with your parents: yea
Like thunderstorms: yeah

- Ryan: Harringtom
- Rob: Bacon?
- Drew: Big Brother.
- Stephanie: full house?
- Heather: lockler
- Aaron: carter
- Amy: lee
- Will: gay man!
- Paul: nina's ex
- Eve: adam?
- John: bloomfield...augh! die.
- Laura: errr?
- Alex: iancello
- Dave: Rossi
- Ricky: lake

~ NATURAL HAIR COLOR: light brown
~ EYE COLOR: brown
~ BIRTHPLACE: syracuse ny

Cuddle or make out? cuddle
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot chocolate
Milk, dark, or white chocolate? dark
Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate

Eat a bug? not purposly
Bungee jump? no
Hang glide? no
Kill someone? no
Have sex with someone you don't love? i have
Kiss someone of the same sex? yes
Have sex with someone of the same sex? er?
Parachute from a plane? no
Walk on hot coals? maybe
Go out with someone for their looks? maybe
For their reputation? no
Be a vegetarian? no
Wear plaid with stripes? no
IM a stranger: i have
Sing karaoke?: ahhh yes
Get drunk off your ass? yes
Shoplift? ahaha no.
Run a red light? all the time....
Star in a porn video? lol  no
Dye your hair blue? no.
Be on Survivor? wouldn't make it
Wear makeup in public? yea
NOT wear makeup in public? yes
Cheat on a test? i cheated on like everything junior year.
Make someone cry? not on purpose
Call your math teacher a motherfucker? love to
Kick a baby? what? lol why!?>.
Date someone more than ten years older than you? er...
Cuss out a priest? wouldn't you go to hell for that?
Take a job as a janitor? no.
Wear a tho-tho-tho-tho-thong? yea...if needed....ew.
Stay up all through the night? if i had to.

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