can anyone explain this?

Jul 10, 2004 22:06

Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in
1. friends score: 8
2. stars score: 6
3. movies score: 6
4. shopping score: 6
5. tanning beds score: 5
6. money score: 5
7. supre score: 4
8. afi score: 4
9. photography score: 4
10. evanescence score: 4
11. japan score: 3
12. tanning lotion score: 3
13. swedish beauty score: 3
14. smile empty soul score: 3
15. jrock score: 3
16. love score: 3
17. tanning salons score: 3
18. the sims score: 3
19. indoor tanning score: 3
20. boys score: 3

coded by ixwin
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