Canadian Love Council

Jan 21, 2005 03:32

Thank god for laziness. If half again as many people achieved half of their amibitions, it would be a World War.

If someone really did ghost-write Shakespeare's plays, I bet that now the ghostwriter's regretting not taking credit.

The lesson of dogs wanting to sleep on your bed is living things are meant to go to sleep with other living things about. Don't deny yourself that necessity. If you can't find a person, get a goldfish.

The "find out your porn star name" thing where one of the names is the street you grew up on doesn't work very well for most people growing up in D.C.

If you look at your destination you won't notice the bumps on the road. Which is a bad thing.

Your reputation is like a Hollywood remake.

If you keep adding salt to water, eventually you get salt.

Watch the History Channel. Today, I learned:
1) Canada moved six villages in order to flood a plain for the St. Lawrence Waterway.
2) The St. Lawrence waterway once could handle some large percentage of the sizes of ships in the world,
but now only 13%. Moral: Stuff gets obsolete. Don't count on eternity.
3) The Washington monument has an aluminum cap designed by the first aluminum company in America.
4) Teddy Roosevelt gets credit for the Spanish-American War, which was in 1898, and the revolution in
Panama. He also saved the Grand Canyon from being bulldozed.
5) Cleveland, twice President, had a personality. He wasn't just the one that had two separate terms.
6) McKinley, twice President, had a personality. He wasn't just the third one that got assassinated.
7) Taft, once President, had a personality. He wasn't just the fat one.

Eggs haven't always come in dozens.

If technology and science improve over time and past technology and science become obsolete, why isn't this the same for arts?

My icon is not indicative of my fractured psyche, just my clumsiness with the cut-and-paste tool.

Use your sense of humor for good and not for evil.

If I'm trying to balance the see-saw and you sit in the middle, then no matter where I sit, it will tip.

Nothing can be proven.

Writing short clippy sentences of this variety is like going to a restaurant, ordering nothing, eating all the sugar and going home happy.
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