
Oct 03, 2004 22:41

Probably the best sex in the world happens on the Cirque de Soleil tour.

If everyone spent every minute of their day doing a service for other people, people would run out of time to be serviced, and then they would have to pick and choose and the people who provide lesser services would end up on the street.

Whatever, Sartre. Heaven is other people. (Too.)

The longer you live, the more sophisticated you get at manipulating people.

You really couldn't say the feminists have won if the gay rights activists haven't won.

If everyone took the years and years of discipline and mastered T'ai Ch'i, the world would be at peace, and then we would all die because no one would have the time to harvest any rice.

Something orbiting away from you is the same as you orbiting away from it.

It sucked carrying the bricks to build the pyramids, but, damn, look at the result.

If people couldn't lie, we would find a better way to equivocate.

Imagine a world where you were forced to date everyone you met before you could become friends.

Never say that you understand yourself, because that's like a color saying it understands light.

There's only one perfect combination and only it opens the lock.

If smartass is bad and dumbass is bad, then what's the happy medium?

How's this for a hypothetical question?
"If you could rape someone without any consequences - meaning you wouldn't be punished, the person wouldn't remember, they wouldn't have any medical complications or even lose their virginity if they were a virgin - who would you?"
I bet that's a good way to get out of a pseudo-intellectual conversation you don't like.

No addition problem dealing with positive whole numbers adds up to 1. Ideas don't occur in fractions or negatives.

If making people happy is all that's important, then just think of all the little kids that have been made happy by Happy Meals.

If you really want social change in the U.S., then hope that Kerry wins, fucks it up, and all the people who voted for him are forced to see that BOTH PARTIES SUCK.
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