
Sep 18, 2004 01:32

It is not true that all blues are downtrodden
and all country is heartbroken
and all rock is raucous
and all funk is sexy
and all techno is brainless
and all folk is intellectual
and all jazz is mature
and all classical is elegant
It would be simple if this were the case
because you would be able to listen to music based on your mood
"I'm feeling angry.
So I'll listen to punk."
but there are blues that are downtrodden
blues that are sexy
blues that are intellectual and that are brainless
blues that are elegant and that are raucous
and the same for punk
and for everything else
This is why people don't listen to everything
Because they can get all their emotions from one genre
They are missing out, because the blues downtrodden
is different than the hip-hop downtrodden
is different than the musique concrete downtrodden
And words are not capable of expressing the differences between those downtroddens, which is why the music exists in the first place
Because if you are feeling like Nick Drake's "Time Has Told Me" than there's nothing you're feeling like Except
Nick Drake's "Time Has Told Me"
by limiting themselves to only some genres
or some artists
people are seriously limiting themselves

If whenver electrons were about to jump to a different atom, they stopped and were like, "Oh, but what if the atom rejects me?  I don't like rejection," and then didn't jump, the universe would fall apart.

I tried to make this entry, or one like it, a couple days ago but livejournal ate it.  So come up with something witty about rewriting something that was lost and pretend I wrote it here.

The facebook is essentially Six Degrees of Separation in your own backyard.

Given enough time, people will take anything to the level of an art.

In a perfect world language would be obsolete.

Imagine what America would be like if instead of watching Monday Night Football everyone who usually did instead played football for that time period.

It is bad to empathize with volcanoes.

If you had to suffer a torture from a Quentin Tarantino movie, which would you?

If you push a rock over a cliff, yes, it will be free falling for a while, but it will eventually hit some ground again and have to be pushed off another cliff if it's ever going to get anywhere.
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