Freak Out!

Jun 16, 2006 03:17

Inspired by evl_redhead commenting that she didn't know why she did these things (i.e., surveys), but maybe she does cause she's bored.

So if you're bored, and you still read my LJ, do this reflective/philosophical/wacky/not-the-usual-crap survey!


1. Start Time: 
2. Your Name, Spelled Phonetically: 
3. Number of Years Until You're 40:
4. Gender:
5. Sex:
6. Sexual Orientation:
7. Describe Your Hair in Six Words:
8. Describe Your Eyes in Five Words:
9. Height, Compared to the Average (5'10" males, 5'4" females):
10. How Good Is Your Vision?:
11. How Good Is Your Hearing?:
12. How Good Is Your Sense of Touch?:
13. How Good Is Your Sense of Smell?:
14. How Good Is Your Sense of Taste?:
15. How Intuitive Is Your Sixth Sense?:
16. Changed Religious Affilation?:
17. Voted For the President?:
18. Had a Near-Death Experience?:
19. Saved Someone's Life?:
20. Read the Torah, the Bible, or the Koran?:
21. Read the I-Ching or the Bhagavad-Gita?:
22. Read The Divine Comedy or Paradise Lost?:
23: Watched Hamlet Onstage?:
24. Seen the Mona Lisa?:
25. Written Something That Was Published?: 
26. Gone to a Movie Theater Alone?:
27. Protested In Public?:
28. Appeared in the Newspaper?:
29. Met Any Famous Person Who Later Died?:
30. Been on TV?:
31. Philosopher:
32. Philosophy:
33. of your 5 Senses:
34. Period of Your Life So Far:
35. Outfit (why?):
36. Era of History, That You Would Live In:
37. Nation (besides the one you live in):
38. News Source (be specific):
39. Food to Cook For Other People:
40. Cheesy Dance (macarena? electric slide?):
41. Website:
42. Place in your Neighborhood:
43. Work of Art:
44. Artist:
45. Museum:
******DO YOU PREFER (WHY?)******
46. Idealism or Pragmatism?:
47. Optimism or Realism?:
48. Conservatism or Liberalism?:
49. Marxism or Capitalism?:
50. Cake or Death?:
51. Monogomy or Polyamory?:
52. Hedonism or Asceticism?:
53. Altruism or Looking Out For Yourself?:
54. Living Alone, With Friends or With Family?:
55. (Americans) The Northeast, the South, the Midwest, or the West?:
56. The Book and then the Movie, or Vice Versa?:
57. Mobile Phone or No Mobile Phone?:
58. Laptop or PC?:
59: Clowns, Mimes or Magicians?:
60. Chocolate or Sex?:
61. The First Thing That Comes to Mind:
62. The Letter 'D':
63. Skin:
64. Neitzsche:
65. Hippie: 
66. Evolutionary Superiority:
67. 16 Years Old:
68. Birds of a Feather, Flock Together:
70. Black and White:
71. Myself:
72. Freud:
73. Losing the Game:
74. Kurt Cobain:
75. Home, Sweet Home:
******THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU******
76. Filled out a Survey Besides This One?:
77. Thought it Ridiculous That You Were Ever So Unhappy?:
78. Wondered How You Could Even Think to be so Cheerful?:
79. Decided to Remember an Inspiring Quote? (what quote?):
80. Played Chess, Go, or Mancala?:
81. Avoided Something You Usually Like/Do? (what?):
82. Finally Made Contact With that Old Friend?:
83. Actually Made it to the Gym?:
84. Skipped Work/School Guiltlessly?:
85. Re-read a Favorite Book?:
86. Discovered Something You Were Sure Of Was Incorrect?:
87. Rewarded Yourself For a Good Deed? (what deed & reward?):
88. Had the Hiccups?:
89. Wondered What Other People Were Doing?:
90. Wondered If What They Were Doing Was Wondering What Other People Were Doing?:
91. Would you ever board a rocket to outer space?:
92. Is the Internet a good thing - unequivocally, yes or no?:
93. Do you keep your change and then take it to a Coinstar/the bank?:
94. Would you stop downloading illegally if prices were more reasonable?:
95. Do you see live theatre (why not?):
96. Describe your sense of humor without using the words 'witty' 'sarcastic' 'silly' 'weird' or any synonyms thereof:
97. What diabolical plans have seized your crazed imagination?:
98. Cake And No More Sex Or Chocolate -or- Sex And Chocolate Followed By Instant Death?:
99. Have you decided you should do any of the things suggested by this survey - which?:
100. Ending time, total time spent, and something else you could have done in that time:

Cut it, paste it, do it, pass it on.

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