Although I finished Old School in June, I'm getting fuzzy on the details, so I though I'd post before I forget everything.
This is shameful but true: I'm so sexist in my reading that I almost never read novels by men. I even groaned inwardly when I saw this on the list. But I really enjoyed this book.
What did you all think of it? I do love books on writers and writing; I almost fell out of my chair laughing during the Rand section -- all of my high school friends went through a Rand phase, and that part just took me back to being 17 and feigning nonchalance at our local diner as we tried to emulate her characters...
I wasn't wild about the end of the book; I found the adult him less interesting. The vignette at the end left me feeling rather meh. There might have been something more specific I didn't like, but for the life of me, I can't remember much more than that.