Mar 02, 2010 01:56
Not in the mood to go into so many details here but just a recap of what I've accomplished on my checklist the past 2years:
- Went to a Britney Spears Concert (twice! VIP style the first time)
- Took a pic of Britney's star
- Met Kim Kardashian
- Went to a Playboy Mansion Party and saw Hef and his girlfriends
- Partied with a music producer (Justin's Manager)
- Met Ciara and Nicole from PCD
- Met people from the Britney Spears forum that I've been posting on for 5years now
- Went to Florida to visit Laura
- Managed to somehow keep a high GPA (so far)
- Experienced having a fake ID for a while
- Met the most amazing people and the weirdest
- Managed to not fall in love
- Tore pics of our ex's on Valentines Day Girls night out
- Won a bottle of champagne on St Patricks day for dancing my ass off on the bar
- Went out every weekend
- Experienced VIP style at clubs
- Saw other celebrities but honestly I already forgot their names
- Experienced living with a dog and a cat at the same time and let me tell you something, I miss it!
- Helping out at an animal shelter
and many more.
After all that I've been through, I realized that most of what I did really didn't matter to me as much as being there for your family. So I asked myself do I wanna live this dream for the rest of my life and see my family twice a year or would I rather see my family every single day and come visit whenever I can?! We all have our own opinions, but the key to happiness isn't these dreams coming true..its knowing and appreciating what you have by understanding that the people who love you most are the ones who really care about you. Moving back home in 8weeks! Never in my life have I been so excited and nervous at the same time. Life is funny.. I learned that a long time ago from someone special to me, but never did I realize how truthful that statement is till now. Wanna know what's next on the list before moving home?
VEGAS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)