Taken from someone else's journal!!!!!

Jul 06, 2005 14:57


Current mood: happy
Current music: Independant Love Song ~ Scarlet
Current taste: Peachy juice
Current hair: Nice and Wavy kinda pretty..
Current clothes: WWJD tee shirt and eeyore night shorts
Current annoyance: Guys that think they can get any girl they want and girls that are pretty...lol...
Current thing I ought to be doing: Talking on the phone w/ muh buddy! ;-)
Current favorite band: I like all kinds of music.....but if I had to choose Rascal Flats at the current moment!
Current cd in stereo: Just a buncha different ones...(6 cd disk changer)
Current Crush: HeHe wouldn't you like to know?
Current hate: not getting to hang out with muh duddy Jeremiah! and some of my other friends..and not getting to get my DL and my Bio DAD......


Smoke?: Ugm...HA...NO!
Do Drugs?: Same answer as above
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no, but I do keep having really weird dreams
Remember your first love?: it was not a love it was a HUGE crush....
Still love him/her?: No, I love somebody else...
Read the newspaper?: Sometimes

Have any gay or lesbian friends?: 1 and that is all.....
Believe in miracles?: Yes!
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yeah....
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: I dunno.......??
Consider love a mistake?: No..
Like the taste of alcohol?: Ugm....lemme think...NOPE NOT REALLY!
Have a favorite candy?: Yes Reeces Peanut Butter Cups! yummy
Believe in astrology?: Nah
Believe in magic?: Not Really
Believe in God?: Yes
Have any pets: Peanut Butter (my kitten)
Go to or plan to go to college: Yeah I plan on going.....
Have any piercings?: Ears..
Have any tattoos?: HECK NO I hate needles!
Hate yourself:..? Sometimes for some of the things I have done in the past
Have an obsession?: Not Really....
Have a secret crush?: Yeah....hmmm.....well he is not so secret amongst my friends......
Do they know yet?: Yeah..shouldn't though I shoulda kept my BIG mouth shut about liking them in the first place No Offense to that person I still love them,!
Have a best friend?: yes! Jeremiah is my Bestest friend
Wish on stars?: Yeah....sometimes but I know they aint gunna come true....hasn't happened yet...:-(
Care about looks?: In myself yeah and in the oposite sex yeah a LITTLE


First crush: HA Wouldn't you like to know...? I don't really remember...lol...hehe
First kiss: I haven't had one yet I hope to get it soon though from a very special person to me although they said they don't like nor would they kiss me..........
Single or attached?: Single
Ever been in love?: Not until September 2003
Do you believe in love at first sight?: nope, b/c you only have time to notice their looks and that is not love that is lust....
Do you believe in "the one?": Yes! I Do!


Have you ever been intoxicated?: Nope don't plan on getting that way either.....
Are you a tease?: I'm too ugly for that.
Shy to make the first move?: HA NO! LOL OMG that is hilarious lol......


Rubber: duck
Green: Envy
Wet: Shower
Cry: Hurt
Peanut: Jeremiah
Hay: Horse
Cold: Snuggle
Fast: run
Freaky: Friday
Rain: soothing
Religion: Baptist


Hair: Brown w/ Blonde streaks in it very long
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 6"


Bought: Cd...From Hastings...
Ate & Drank: chicken, Juice
Read: My Bible
Watched on tv:? George Lopez


Club or houseparty: neither
Beer or cider: blah blah neither
Drinks or shots: blah blah neither
Cats or dogs: Cats
Single or taken: Taken
Pen or pencil: Either or?
Food or candy: Both
Cassette or cd: CD
Coke or pepsi: Neither DrPepper


Kill: No one.....
Look like? some ppl my crush likes
Be like: My Best Friend...understanding and compassionate sometimes.......all around cool dude!!! luv ya buddy!
Avoid: I really don't know....


Talked to: Momma
Hugged: Jeremiah
Instant messaged: Rachael


Eat: Dining Room
Cry: in my room alone where no one can see me break down......

Wish you were: honestly.....I wish I were in the arms of someone I love.....


Dated one of your best friends?: HA yeah Presto
Drank alcohol?: Yes unfortunatly but it was only like 2 times in all 18yrs of my lonely little life lol
Done drugs?: Can't say I have nor do I desire to.....
Broken the law?: Yeah driving without a liscense
Run away from home?: yeah, when I was 5....I tried to anyways......lol.....
Broken a bone?: Broke Cartlage when I was born
Played Truth Or Dare?: yeah lol haven't we all...?? lol
Kissed someone you didn't know?: No....
Been in a fight? Yeah with a girl named Megan Martin.....
Come close to dying?: Not that I know of.....??....


What's on your bedside table?: Pictures, radio, gift cards, random stuff......
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Passion Of Christ...
If you could have plastic surgery?: I would not get it plastic is for dolls
What is your biggest fear?: being alone forever and dying alone and snakes
What feature are you most proud of?:My Hair and Eyes.
Do you have too many love interests?:Not Really
Crushes?: hmmm...to be honest ain't really sure.....
Do you know anyone famous?: Nope.....Jeremiah The Bull Frog.........lol..........forgot about that one lol
Describe your bed: wooden....with checkerd sheets and blanket body pillow and a pillow I made
Spontaneous or plain?: BOTH!!
Do you know how to play poker?: Nope.....
What do you carry with you at all times?: My Feelings.....way tooooo much..........
How do you drive?: Good
What do you miss most about being little?: not liking guys or worrying about having a bf or being popular or liked.....a lot of things really....
Are you happy with your given name?: Not really I just dont like the first one....
What color is your bedroom?:Wooden colored
What was the last song you were listening to?: Praying for Daylight Rascal Flats
Have you ever been in a play?: Yeah
Who is your best friend?: Jeremiah........And Preston...sometimes LOL JK I still luv ya buddy lol
Do you talk a lot?: Yeah i fI am in the mood
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: not really I do not like my physiche....I think it is fat and ugly.....
Do you think you're good looking?: Heck No My hair and eyes are all I like....thats all everyone else likes too....................
Do poor, homeless people sometimes annoy you? yeah when they choose to be that way.......
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Sometimes......
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: Friends, I do not have a boyfriend..♥.:-( ♥
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