Jul 24, 2005 22:52
Well, I have found luv yet again, my computer hooked up to the internet is back. To not have internet is like living in the primitive medievel times. Having to watch tv for the news is harsh, not being able to see which video games come out at which times sux even worse. Well, my life is about to start getting all rushed all over again, i feel different kinda, almost surreal. I wish i could see how other people view me, do they take me seriously or am i just gonna be the same old gabe? Has ne1 ever thought about that? How they appear to others personality wise, well it just hit me that with what i have given junior year isnt who i really am. I'm more subtle and serious, less boy crazy like i was now cuz that what my "out" year now i think about so many more important things like where am i gonna get money for college? Where am i gonna go, i know for a fact that my grades can get me anywhere, but can i get a full scholorship to UT? or Michigan State with them? Life brings up so many questions. Well anywho i bet all my internet buds (as if i had any to begin with) have got up an left me, barren and dry on the vast plain which is the internet. o well, i deserve to be alone yet again, i have left my opinions out of your lives long enough, u should be greatful. I left junior year hurt and upset, unsure if i was gonna live the next day or what tommorrow would bring, i go back my senior year with aspirations, a new stronger, serious attitude and a different mindset on why i go to chapin, and y i deserve to be there. Well, its back to writin my life away on this journal, readers beware, ur in for a rollercoaster ride this next year, i can see it, life isnt always pretty. Oh, yah, and tommorrow starts my lifes end, band camp, well bye (i think lata suckas is elementary now, bye should suffice for the time being until something cooler starts happening again)