Feb 09, 2004 19:01
One of these days
you'll look back to see...
that I was always there
but you were never there for me.
One of these days
your heart will start to ache...
then you'll realize
there was a risk you needed to take.
One of these days
you'll look around for me...
I will be gone
but I am yours eternally.
One of these days
the thought will be too much to bear...
just say you love me
and I'll be there.
So, here I am sitting alone.. Speaking to no one but my bro Justin.. Quite shibby indeed.. I guess thats what a journal is for right?? So yeah, I cant wait for Wednesday to be over.. A nice 5 day weekend for me and the buddies.. I dunno what we got planned for this 5 day weekend, just that we have a nice lil cast party on saturday.. thats gotta be fun.. Umm, school was quite boring today as always.. Nothing new.. I really cant wait for school to be over.. Im starting to get that senioritis everyone is talking about.. But I wont fully get senioritis until I am done with my senior portfolio.. Then I will be happy hehe.. and personally, I am moving on.. I am over the crush.. Shes not worth my love is she loves another.. Friends yeah.. So to go totally off topic, music rules.. Whatever puts you in a good mood, is awesome.. I love music.. its there for me always.. I can sing along, I can dance to it hehe, and I can relax with it.. So I can say I love it.. damn Im full of random shit today arent I?? Wow.. Hopefully im better tomorrow hehe.. Oh yeah.. Off to the gymskies I go!