Spring Break 2005

Mar 26, 2005 20:55

Spring break has been excellent so far. Thursday, Rachel came over after school and we just chilled and got ready to go out to the Mac Grill because my mom had made reservations for herself, but the people she was going with had an emergency of some sort, so she told me and couple people to go. Rachel, Jon, Chris, Dom, Eric and Escobar all ate and talked. It was Rachel's "birthday", we left the waitress an $11 tip. Then we all walked around the mall for like an hour and sat outside talking for a bit. Then we all went home and chilled and Rachel slept over. Then Friday we went to the mall and Rachel tripped a couple times and we laughed and talked and caught up on stuff. Then she slept over again and her mom picked us up, took us to her house and we ate and watched Spy Kids. Best movie ever!!!:) We were supposed to go to Jons but then we decided not to. So we went shopping instead and ate Coldstones. Everything was fun. I really <3'ed it. Tomorrow is Easter and I'M SO EXCITED because we're going to Church and having a family day. Monday is probably gonna be spent hanging with MELISSA. I cant wait until Thursday :)


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