Oct 01, 2005 22:47
I had to clean up the house
then i was suppose to go to the game but my mom couldnt find it so i
went ova my dad's house. Ovca there for a sec i was playin my lil
step bros game w/ him. Then after that we went to go get some
chinese food. After that i didnt feel good so i went to sleep but
every1 started call me so i couldnt first haleigh haleigh and haleigh
then Q then AB omg it was s0o0 craxy then i had to talk to dylan so
yepp i didnt get much sleep. I was up all day w/ haliehg for the
rest of the time so i wasnt really happy::0/ that nite i felt liek
shiit s0o0 bad that i just didnt really wanna talk on the nite so
i was out..