Wired for News

Apr 27, 2008 11:35

Fast reply: Open Spaces Quarterly turned down my brother's story mere days after I sent it in their direction. Now to grab the Writer's Market and find another place to send it.

I had a dream last night about sending it to six places at once so I'd get faster results (which you shouldn't do). I've been sending it out for over a year now, and it's just not finding a home. I'm lowering my expectations for it every time, too...

Our income tax purchase has finally arrived from the warehouse. It didn't take longer than expected, just not instant gratification. We bought a lovely table and chairs for our dining room, and maybe Amy will put up pictures later. We took the old table/chairs out to the back alley with a sign that said "free," and they vanished soon after. The table was still fantastic, but the chairs weren't holding up as well as they should, and this table and chair set looks wonderful. We also got a bedframe for our bed. It's a sleigh design, and again, maybe Amy will post pics. Wow, feeling a bit more like grown-ups, as Amy pointed out. Next on our furniture list is new dressers. Ours were donated by a friend when I moved out on my own a few years ago, and they've seen better days. We'll get, like, real wood furniture and everything by the time we're done.

But first, a Wii. Sometime soon (with part of tax rebate #2), I'm getting a Wii, which means I'm looking for suggestions on what games to get and maybe to borrow from those few of you who are local and so inclined. I really want to get The Force Unleashed, of course, but it won't be out for a while.

Little news on the book front. I know that the Winston-Salem Journal is working on a book review of it, and I have an interview for that soon, but little else. I hear a few people have bought it through the publisher, but I don't know who (and that's fine). I still need people to go to Amazon and the like and post reviews. And I really need to sit down and work on the SF history page again. There are things to add.

I'm still behind on so much, though...I'm reading and watching and absorbing as much as I can to try to get to where I should be, but it's time consuming.

Thanks be to my lovely wife for her surprise gift to me (purchased at her work's book sale) of The Star Wars Vault, although now that I look at the Amazon listing, I realize there are no audio cds included. Huh? She got it for a great price, though. It's a thrill to go through it, and I've got to spend more time looking closer at it.

I'm learning a few things as I read Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz's Words In Your Face. It's a good book that, oddly enough, is a history of the NYC Slam scene, released exactly at the same time as I released my history of the Southeast Slam scene. Weird timing...I guess we'll be side-by-side on the library shelves.

More soon, one can only hope.

furniture, books, my book, video games

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