Memorial Weekend!

Jun 01, 2011 19:44

Well I had such a great weekend so here it goes...

Friday-Slept all day practically and Danielle stayed over and we went in the hottub, then we hung out with Joey & friends and scared Brenna. Breakfast delivers lol Toni and Danielle

Saturday- Dance sad it's finally over. Fair with Madison, Mandy, Alex, Danielle, Megan D., Mike and Adam. Slept over Danielle's with Megan, Mandy, and Brenna.

Sunday- Mall with Mandy, Danielle, and Brenna, then Piston Party at the Sebold's with all the sevys...hah!  I got stuck on the esclator and like did the splits.

Monday- Attacked by 20 baseball boys and I was dodged with a waterballoon slinger.  Hijacking the cake lmfao Brenna!  Then Me, Brenna and Joey ran away from them and went swimming at my house.

Tuesday- Ugh vs. Creek tied 1-1.  Hung out with Joey and Brenna on the trampoline and played baseball.

Wednesday- Boring, Cedar Point Friday!
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