(no subject)

Dec 31, 2009 07:52

It's basically 8am, and I have been awake for 5 hours.

For once, not insomnia. At least, not MY insomnia. The last two nights, Ash has been banging on his door at odd times - 10pm, 11pm, etc. This morning, he started around 2:30am. zenhack went in to comfort him a couple of times, but at 3, I became awake, and there was no returning to sleep. So I gave Ash what he really wanted - parentbed. Not sleeping in our bed, but me, on the couch in his room, and him sleeping on me. He wasn't bad, but when he had to drag the stuffed dogs, sheets and blankets, it got a little crowded.

Anyrate, at least I went to bed early.
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