Mar 08, 2003 18:18
This morning, i woke up at 6:30 because my stupid fuck brother and his friend ask me " do you have gloves i can borrow" and i was like WTF, i was sleeping for god sake and now you are telling me if i have gloves! I told him i don't have gloves sorry, and his another friends ask me for Jacket. I am so fed up.. They both woke me up twice on weekends UGh.. cause they are going to snowboarding. i told them to get the fuk out of my room.. and they was like sorry we woke u up, we won't do that to you again.. and i was like YA righhhttt! i was dreaming something good and damn its not finsh! i wanna go back dream some more! and i have to get up anyway, cause i have to get ready to go walmart at 8:30 do deaf center fundraiser and performance for play on april 25,2003 at 7:30pm. I am gunna be part of it :groans: i don't want to but i have to cause i am involved with Jr NAd. so i been at walmart since 8:30 to 3pm and guess what? we earn $434.34 and we will have $834.34 double it from walmart will give that to us, the whole thing! FUCK i work my ass funraise money for performance and Donations! i was so damn freezing and ask for money, MY grandma give me $50 I wish y'all come watch us play performance at kehs. but you guys live to far from stinkin tri cities.
ahh i feel much better, and more happier than last time. some of you guys from lj.. i wanted to say thanks for being friend with me and i really appreciate it, i've learn alot of experiences at wsd, and everything.. and one more thing I love y'all! keep it up and i want to get know you guys more!
and plus keep in touch!
well i am running out of words now so i am gunna go ! Bye