Jan 30, 2007 21:14
Well...I got fired today. I was fed a cock-and-bullshit story about how the company is restructuring and there's no place for me now...blah, blah, fucking blah (we all know it's because I'm almost 7 months pregnant and they don't want to deal with that). One of the worst things about this is I had NO inclination that they were displeased with my performance in any way or that this was coming. Also, it wasn't even my cowardly boss that told me I was fired...it was some assfuck peon (add insult to injury...this particular assfuck peon drove me insane every day). It doesn't matter that I hated working there and was seriously considering not coming back after Giulianna was born...it's the fucking principle of the whole thing!!! I had better get unemployment benefits or I swear on all things holy and unholy that I WILL become the picture that's my current userpic.