Part CCCXX - in a knowing jester

Jul 23, 2010 00:52

my name is bellossom emerald silabone and i am 16 yeers old, i hav a twin brotder named edward diAMON silabone today he is really hawt but im totaly nawt into insest so dont think like that u sicko. but anyways he iis so hot he has short blonde hair, a really pale face, red eyes, he is a quatar vampire, quatar wizard, and quatar werewolf, sometimes i hear him yelling at himself and i dunno why. i think he hates himself but i love him a lot but not in that way you sicko. anyways back to me, i have long blonde hair that goes to my ass and i have pale skin and i have red eyes, i am a quatar angel, a quatar witch, quatar succubus, and a quatar veila. today we got our hogwarts they were lost in the mail but dumbledore said that was ok that we coul skill come to hogwarts.
so anyways the train was really big and it was red, i could barely see the top of the tran it was like wow so there was tons of other kids goin onto the train they looked really stoopid and i knew i was awwwwaaaay smarter then they were.

'ok then' i said with a perfect elegenace to my voicce, i begin to follow him and then i tripped and fell and i said ow and i looked up and a black haired boy with stoopid looking glasses looked down at me and offered his hand to help me up on my feet i smiled at him and knew he would be my friend.
'thx' i said smiling my white sparkling teeth at him and his eyes glazed over and i knew he was falling in luv with me. eddie rool his eyez and grab my butt and dragged me onto the train, 'dont talk to him, hes harry potter'
'WHATTTTT~!" i asked, in a surprised beautiful tone
'i must nawt have noticed his eyes passed his GLAROUS eyes' i sighed, blushing elegantly
'SNAP OUT OF IT YOU DUMBIT!' eddie shouted at me, slappin me accross the face
i glared at him and crossed my arms over my bIGGG breasticles
so we found our seats and we took our seats and we made ourselves comfortavblbe in our seats, our seats were better then evertones elese because were like rcich amdd our families do that dumblelydoor is our granmdopa. i started to paint my nails wimsickletns gold that sparkles like a 1 000 0000000000000000 hobos when the wash their bummies in the pale moon light. eddie was sucking blood of the person sitting in the booth next to us, he could turn invisible so it didn't even matter she couldnt see him, he came back and then left agauin to go hump some girl. so i was left alone and then harry burst thorugh the door and smiled stunnly at me and said.´
'you mother fucker get down on your knees and make me a sandwiche''~
so i did this and he ate it in one gulp and then we started to dance, everybody clapped beaus we were so wonerfully wonderfulbread.~
SUDDENLY... DRAKO DRAGON RALFOY CAME into the roOOom and started breakdancing and harry got all up in his grill and out danced him
**(link)      (Pottersues report)
you used flu powder and went to see one of your favorite people... Mrs. Alexandra Dazz.. she wa a wizarding dentist.. she always encouraged you to get your teeth fixed..but you never saw any reason..but now you were slim.. and you had reason...
He took his arm and made a blow straight to your rib cage... you let out a cry of agony... you fell to the floor... but yet you did not cry gave up on crying long ago... you closed your eyes and waited for the next blow... it came.. to that same spot.. you screamed... you couldnt breathe... you began to panick.. you could hear your father huffing and puffing ( until he blows your house waited for the next blow.. it never came.. you looked up and found your father passed out on the floor.... you sighed and rolled your eyes.."pathetic." you said underneath your breath... you grabbed his arms and pulled him out of your room (yes you are kick ass strong)...
finally you leaned back grabbed your shampoo and conditioner ( they smell like a tropical mix)... you did all the things you had to and climbed out of the bathroom.. YOu slowly walked into your room..and grabbed your outfit you had laid out earlier... a long black sleeve shrit... baggy pants with chains hanging everywhere... you put on your necklace of a sun a moon.. and a black rose..( you only have four piercings in your ears by the way) and then you inserted your earrings..all four black combed your long rich black hair... it came down just past your breasts.. it framed your face prfectly.. and ou had NO bangs.. you then put on your blakc eyeliner.. your wrist bracelets..( ohh i forgot to mention your shirt is not exactyly.big..on you ^.^) you put on some shiny lip gloss and then looked up into the mirror.. you scanned over yourself.. you looked different.. now you were just realizing this.. you looked beautiful.. your eyes stood out with the eyeliner.. the looked like a sapphire... your lips were full and red naturally.. your nose fit your face... you were slim... in all areas except 2 .. your boobs and your ass... you had a very nice ass... not to big..not to small.. **
Ginny smiled to herself, thinking of the day when she'd be the one with Draco's head in her lap. She enjoyed imagining the look on Pansy's face then!
Summer was the worst time of year at the Malfoy house. Sure, Draco was home and Lucius spent his days glaring disapprovingly at his son while Narcissus bustled about, fixing her son's hair affectionately
Harry was widely awaken by Dudley sitting on Harry`s Face.
"Dudley, GET OFF OF ME!"
" No"
Dudley fell to the ground immediately with a loud thud.
**(link)      (Pottersues report)
She was actually a very beautiful girl, with long silky pale blond hair and the most unusual yet beautiful eyes, they were a light lavender purple-blue color, and even though she had a fair complexion and light hair, her eyelashes were dark and thick around her jewel-like eyes. Harry was slightly taller than Jillianne by about a half-a-head, but he knew she had a curvy, athletic body because he had noticed her last year at the Yule Ball in her slinky Amethyst colored gown.
He knew he occasionally enjoyed it when the older man tore him down verbally, he knew he sometimes enjoyed the vibration of power that radiated from Snape in waves, but he had never fully considered the possibility that he was attracted to him. Harry knew he liked men, from an uncomfortable but educational experiment with Charlie Weasley. He knew he was-at the very least-a bit of a masochist, because when he slept with someone he couldn't feel anything unless it was rough, or cruel.
"Sadistic or no, I won't simply harm someone that's in your way, Potter," the man was definitely enraged, and most certainly had the wrong idea. Harry scrambled to fix it.
"No! It's not like that! Fuck! My problem is that I keep getting erections in your class!"
Every one jumped when the explosion accrued and looked around to see who would blow up an cauldron in a newt level class to everyone's surprise it was Harry Potter that made the cauldron explode which in turn surprised them even more because he had taken a liking to potions about two years ago every body was looking worriedly back and forth from Harry and the professor Draco in particular looked torn between amusement and worry.
I had bout grab for my heart when the explosion accrued but covered it up with anger that Harry would see it for what it was worry, "potter!" I yelled, I smirked when I saw the boy, no man cringed when I yelled at him.
I couldn't help it I chuckled under my breath and placed my hand quickly on his flat stomach in a knowing jester I felt a shiver run through him and I pulled away completely unless someone saw us. I heard him say tease under his breath but I choose to pretend not to hear it and headed to my desk when I got there I dismissed the class a few minutes early as all the class put there things away faster then normal because they don't want to be in her when I go 'off' on Harry while he went at a unusually slow pace for him he waved off his friends after promising that he'll be along shortly.
And just who was this lover of hers that dominated her heart so much that the irresistible Sirius Black had literally no place in it? This lover was no other then Meatloaf.
"There's got to be a mistake no one and I mean no one can survive when Voldemort attacks." Harry says looking at Ron for his support who looked away at his friend.
"Darcy Clarkson is an incredible wizard the Clarksons is known to be the longest clan that ever lived even before my time everyone had heard about the attack. They now call her The Girl Who Lived."
"I'm afraid that Darcy will be in Slytherin her personality describes them." The headmaster said
"What happent to you now Potter." She said looking at his wondes some of which were very deep and very messy.
"Oh you now just falling down the staris of the astonomy tower"
Leaving their offspring to be cursed with the fact that their parents are blood traitors ans scum!" Voldemort smashed his fist on the table and shattering a glass plate. Looking down for a moment, he picked some of the glass up and crushed it in his hand letting the glass sand fall to the carpet.
Something about this girl made him want to pick her up, so he did. She cuddled up to him obviously unknowing of the fact that he just killed her family and cooed. You can imagine what Bellatrix thought when Voldemort suggested that they adopt a toddler but, she went along with it. What choice did she have really?
"What My Lord?"
"Her name is Lauren. It means laurel in Latin"
"Oh. Of course."
"Tell the Mallfoys that I want a baby girl nursury set up at headquqrters.
Snape was furious and sneering and his aunt was white lipped and shocked. It looked as if they knew each other. But that couldn't be possible could it?
If Harry hadn't been sure of his firm grasp on reality, he would have been convinced he was going crazy after witnessing what happened next. Severus Snape looked his aunt straight in the eye and started singing.
I hated you in grammar school
I hated you in elementary school
And if we went to high school, I'd hate you there too
You're a bitch, you're a slut
You're a liar, you're a whore
Did I leave something out?
Let me think some more
You're a tart, you're a tramp
You're as cheap as Demi Moore
Guess who won this round?
Snap, snap, score
Biotch, slut, liar, whore
** ~
She was the epitome of beauty. Shining flaxen hair that looked soft as the clouds to touch, icy blue eyes that stunned any man with just a single glance, and a figure of a goddess, composed of lean athletic muscles and the curse of curves.
Well, let's sum it up: she radiated an angelic-like beauty, she's a key Quidditch player, supposedly holding the title of the Top Female Player in Hogwarts History... And she's the daughter of one of the best broom makers in the world, on many occassions demonstrating that she can match her father's talents.~
What else could there possibly be to make this girl so bloody perfect? Oh, yes, she's smart, funny, and kinder than anyone as well as their grandmother. This Earth Angel holds the third rank for marks in their year, fifth out of the entire student body.
She fit in with basically everybody. The boys adored her for even more than her looks. The girl could joust and joke around with the most crude of them, taking any blow at her with the poise and grace she always held, then using her cleverness and wit to sling an even better insult right back at their over-inflated ego. All houses liked her, and there were very few (most of them competitive queen bee girls) who openly admitted to hating her.
Again, let's recooperate. She's smart, funny, popular, nice, graceful, elegant, and so damn beautiful.
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