the exciting news that precedes the not so great news of the last post

Jan 20, 2011 13:11

we bought a house! it is awesome and I love it! it is a high-set weather board number, with lots of trees (ha ha ha) and lots of big rooms and big open spaces and big big windows in the living area. it is a real fixeruppera, but this suits us just fine, as I really quite enjoy that sort of thing and it meant that we were able to buy within our budget in a location suitable to us.

buying the property was really tough going, (mostly because of the aforementioned limited budget) for about a month there is was like I had a full time high pressure job just getting things ready, negotiating price, obtaining finance, signing things and general organisation.

I learned something unexpected through this process, I already believed in my ability to make something like this happen against the odds, but what I didn't realise was how much love and trust I am surrounded by. I called on friends and family to help me in ways that were by every interpretation above and beyond the call of duty, being fully okay with the possibility of a negative response, but in every instance my loved ones came through for me with full unwaivering support and total trust and generosity. I had to pause and cry several times, thinking that if I could write a letter to my teenage self I would want to let her know--no matter how alone and isolated you might feel at times, in the future you will know such love and support that it will blow your mind and fill your heart til it nearly bursts.

also, did I mention that the house is just awesome?

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