[fanfic+fanart] 80girl!59

Jan 01, 2009 18:37

Bells have rung, carols sung, and I've still to upload anything.

Rectifying that matter now.

Here's a fanfiction and an accompanying fanart to boot.

Woah woah woah, what's up with the sudden spurt of energy, you ask? Um, well, dunno either. But here you go anyway.

“False Starts and First Tries”

An 8059 fan fiction by the Butler


a.) a girl Gokudera Hayato, which I arrogantly rename as Hayako (and that’s probably a breach of some Japanese naming etiquette, excuse me but I don’t really have any other excuse but ignorance and the sheer bloody-mindedness of a fanfiction author).

b.) A gentlemanly Yamamoto Takeshi.

c.) Mentions of hapless Tsuna and Ryohei, being themselves.

d.) This is alternate universe, I assume, since I hazily placed them in a weird college setting and gave Yamamoto and Tsuna some odd course I heard of back in my old university. And, of course, because here Gokudera is absolutely and irrevocably a girl, without any apologetic explanation as to why. Also I understand that the setting could not possibly take place anywhere that snows on New Year’s Eve. Um. Yeah.

e.) lots and lots of -ly ending words. Yes, a crime for which I can be hanged for. Also, other writing mishaps.

f.) somewhat of a plot. It’s in there, somewhere.

g.) the starts of a *shudder* romance.

h.) Curse words.

i.) may also contain peanuts.

Warning: you may not like this. That’s okay. I don’t expect you to. Girl-dera is not everyone’s cup of tea. You don’t have to feel guilty or anything. But no need to flame me either- I just said I didn’t expect you to like it. Also, no sex here, for those who actually expects one.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters portrayed in this piece of fanfiction, nor do I profit from it.

On with the show.


Gokudera Hayako adjusted her blouse’s neckline for the umpteenth time. She’d be damned if she’d admit as to why she chose to wear her only blouse with a revealing neckline today, but there it was, the reason, standing just a little way away from her. And what a stupid reason it certainly is, Gokudera would grumble to herself, seeing as how she’s being ignored all this time. Deciding to ‘hmph’ than to sigh, Gokudera adjusted her blouse for the last time before going out on the balcony to finally have a smoke.

Seconds later Yamamoto Takeshi takes his leave of some baseball fan that had thus far been monopolizing his time to catch a break out on Ryohei-ani’s balcony.

It is without small surprise that Gokudera finds herself alone with ‘the guy’ whose attention she’d been trying to catch the whole night during the sorry party and now she had given up on.

“Hey”, Yamamoto had said by way of greeting, with that boyish smile on his face. On reflex Gokudera scowled, while inside her raged a terrible turmoil. She masked her nervousness with a practiced drag at her cigarette. Ignoring all non-verbal cues, Yamamoto comes closer to her and leans his elbows on the railings. “It’s a bit chilly out here, don’t you think?” He cheerfully imparts.

“Huh” was, well, all that Gokudera could elegantly reply.

A spell of silence passed, where Gokudera was more than aware of the heat emanating from Yamamoto and of the goose bumps on her skin. She hoped her nipples aren’t showing through or anything, it would embarrass her to no end. To occupy her mind of things other than the guy beside her and possible embarrassing situations she endeavored to make herself warmer by surreptitiously rubbing her arms. On hindsight, she probably shouldn’t have worn the blouse. God damn the man, she hadn’t even noticed the slight chill to the wind until Yamamoto cheerfully commented on it. Fuck.

“Haha”, and what was so funny, that’s what she’d like to know, “you want I can fetch your coat, no problem. That shirt doesn’t look warm enough.”

And there it was that ingratiating smile. Now it has a tinge of helpfulness laced with eagerness. Why did she even want to impress this idiot in the first place? Gokudera chalks it up to weird chemistry and uncontrollable hormones, but it does help that Yamamoto’s pretty tall and athletic and tanned and have big hands with long, long, fingers. And not bad to look at, even if he was always smiling that stupid smile of his. Suppressing a derisive snort (because, let’s be honest, it’s not elegant and would probably ruin the whole effect she’d been going for), Gokudera instead flicks the ash of her cigarette with unconcealed irritation.

“What’s it to you? Do you do this often; start dictating other people’s lives when they don’t even know who the hell you are?”

For a moment Yamamoto’s face registered surprise, as if he was surprised that there’s someone on campus who did not know their baseball team’s star player and practically campus idol. Then it was quickly replaced by a somewhat sheepish grin, only somewhat, because there are a few things that embarrass Yamamoto, and a snarky, smoking, green-eyed co-ed with a revealing dress is not one of them, apparently.

“But I do know you. You’re Hayako, right? Tsuna’s chemistry lab partner? He’s told me about you.” Yamamoto said, more than Gokudera would have liked to hear. How much did Tsuna say, god bless his cute little head, Gokudera wondered with more than a little apprehension. “He says you’re a godsend, helping him with everything in class.” And there’s a twinkle to Yamamoto’s eyes as he said this. The snarky, smoking, green-eyed co-ed in a revealing dress does not know what to make of it.

“Yeah? Well, he’s a sweetheart. And completely helpless in Chemistry.”

A chuckle from him. “I’m no whiz in chemistry either. You’re a Chemistry major, right?” A nod from her. “That’s awfully nice of you to help him out.”

What the hell did Tsuna tell this guy, exactly? Apprehension growing, Gokudera settles for a nod and completely forgets the fact that she was the one trying to get Yamamoto’s attention earlier in the evening, and, well, earlier than that. As early as the start of the first semester, if she’s to be completely honest about it.

“You know, he’s probably my best friend? Haha. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Yamamoto Takeshi.” A hand is proffered, and when did Yamamoto get that close to Gokudera, so close that she only has to move her non-cigarette holding hand a few inches to touch his elbow? Gokudera instead takes the proffered hand and shakes it gingerly, withdrawing her own hand as fast as politely possible. Yamamoto just smiles, as if for good measure.

“I’m in…”

“The baseball team. I know. You’re the star player, or something.” Gokudera cuts in, just to get the awful customary male boasting out of the way.

“Oh? But I thought you didn’t know who I am?” And Yamamoto looks genuinely puzzled.

“I know you exist generally, but not personally, is what I meant.”

“Oh! Haha. Okay. But I was going to say I’m in Interdisciplinary Studies. Don’t ask me what it’s about though, because I really don’t know.” Yamamoto says good-naturedly. “Me and Tsuna’s in the same course, that’s how I got to know him, really. Ah, but you probably knew that already right? Haha.”

Gokudera did know, since Tsuna volunteered the fact during that awful, embarrassing episode when her really nice lab partner accidentally saw the picture of Yamamoto on her phone. And now she’s not a bit embarrassed, since she actually thought Yamamoto went into the whole ‘alpha-male’ thing guys usually go into. Of course he’d be nice and down to earth, if a little annoying with that habitual laugh of his. Absent-mindedly flicking her spent cigarette, Gokudera rubbed her hands up and down her arms just to have them do something. And of course Yamamoto would notice. And do something about it, by shrugging out of his light jacket and holding it up.

“Here”, he said, indicating with his head the jacket in his hands, “let me.”

And, surprising herself, Gokudera mutely turns around and lets Yamamoto slip the jacket on her shoulders. She felt a delicious little tingle up her spine as Yamamoto’s large, warm hands pats the jacket down her back and arms, lingering a bit by her shoulders. She let it linger a bit more before turning around and haughtily thanking him (it doesn’t do to let standards down, of course). Yamamoto smiles again, his head cocked to one side and hands slid inside his jeans’ pockets, and isn’t that twinkle back in his eyes?

“You know, we could’ve just gone in if my being cold was bothering you so much.” Gokudera completely failed to notice that she said we instead of I, but the way Yamamoto’s face lit up meant he didn’t.

“I know. But, well, it’s nicer out here, right? Easier to talk to you, for one thing, haha.”

And Gokudera doesn’t exactly know what to make of that, so she lets herself be led towards the plastic chairs on one side of the balcony, with Yamamoto’s hand at the small of her back and his warm breath by her ear. She waited, not a little impatient, for him to go in and fetch them a couple of drinks and come back not only with the drinks but with an ashtray, and wasn’t he just thoughtful? As the night wears on, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of topics that Gokudera can agree to talking about with the baseball player, but she never leaves him for ‘better company’, not even when Tsuna finally arrives at the party, late and sheepish and wondering where his prospective couple to be match-made could be, not even when the sky started bursting out with fireworks that she probably made for the school and profited from (but she did give them a perfunctory glance, when Yamamoto pointed them out and audibly marveled at them).

By the time the clock strikes twelve and the people inside Ryohei Sasagawa’s apartment stopped counting down and start cheering at the top of their voices (never quite defeating Ryohei’s fist-pumping shouts of ‘EXTREME NEW YEAR!’), Gokudera wonders a bit fuzzily if she took one too many drinks, but decided she didn’t care and she can probably use that fact to good use when she wakes up the next day gloriously naked and wickedly sated in Yamamoto’s bed. She’d need it to justify to herself that she is in no way a total whore and what the fuck, who cares really, when Yamamoto’s leaning in and slightly brushing his lips to her cheeks as he whispers in her ear, ‘Happy New Year’, under the guise of it’s too loud to be heard without being this close to each other.

“Happy New Year too’, she whispers back, when Yamamoto proved too much of a gentleman when he didn’t take advantage of Gokudera, when she clearly wanted him to, though she’d only ever admit that fact to her self and no one else. She decides that he really is too much of a gentleman when he got up and went to fetch her coat, so he could walk her back to her dormitory of course, of course, it goes without saying.

When he left her with a smile on his lips in front of her building, her number in his phone and a chaste little kiss on her cheek, Gokudera decides that perhaps it’s time to buy more revealing dresses. But she’d still be damned if she’d be able to admit why.



Can I have art to go with that fic?

Excuse my sketchy style. I was never good at coloring inside the lines

There you guys go. Comments and criticisms appreciated, as always.

Oh, and let's all have a good year, yeah?

fanfiction, 8059, yamagoku, fanart

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