[FIC] eyeshield 21 'the not little at all merman'

Nov 28, 2007 10:27

 ah, and here's the latest fic, fresh from the midnight crazy typing session.

it's going to be crack.

it's... because i just can't help but go there... merman Mizumachi and prince Kakei and the rest of the Kyoshin Poseidon team in a crazy eyeshield 21 meets little mermaid.

if there are enough people out there who would tell me to 'omfg stop stop stop this is horrible writing where the hell did you even get the idea' i would. i swear.

so here it is, the first installment, and judge it kindly (it really was the witching hour when this fic was birthed).

augh and yes, i keep forgetting the right names to those two kakei disciples, ohina? oohira? tch.

“The Not-Little-At-All Merman”

An Eyeshield 21, particularly Kyoshin Poseidon team, fan fiction by the butler, because she just couldn’t resist.

Contains: what must be referred to as ‘crack’, the kyoshin Poseidon boys, and a fantasy fairy tale setting, wherein merpeople and amefuto collide.

Disclaimer: the butler does not, in any way, claim ownership of eyeshield 21 and its characters, as well as the references to Disney’s the little mermaid.

Mizumachi Kengo was down. After single-fin-edly bringing his team to the annual all-merman swimming finals, he found out that they never really considered him as a team-mate. Flipping his fins harder to reach the surface faster, Mizumachi tried not to think about the harsh words the other mer-athletes in his team said to him. Well, former team. As of now, he quits the all-merman swim team. They can kiss their finals goodbye. Without even bothering to check whether other merpeople saw him blatantly disobey Atlantis’ number one rule (never ever go to the surface particularly in places of the sea nearing human settlement and fishing grounds), Mizumachi surfaced from the watery depths in usual merperson style (you know, the one with the hair flip and the arching back). The sun was just about to set, and no one noticed the shadow that Mizumachi cast as he made his way towards the rocky part of the beach.

There was someone on the beach, a human, judging by his feet, and his shaggy dog. The man was tall, black haired and had the most intense eyes Mizumachi has ever seen, on land or back in Atlantis. As of the moment, those green eyes were intent on something the human was writing on the sand, some obscure picture or dead language perhaps, because all Mizumachi could make out were x’s and o’s and arrows all over the place. The dog, sniffing, started barking excitedly and running to and fro, trying to get its master’s attention. Lifting his head, the human asked what was wrong, and the dog immediately ran towards Mizumachi’s direction.


Fortunately for everyone else in Atlantis, Kobanzame the flounder (who wasn’t really really a flounder, but it was a nickname that kinda stuck) had been following his Mizumachi-kouhai up until the fun-loving merman swam too close to the shore. But seeing the potential problem of Mizumachi’s discovery by the hairy creature (and looking at the way Mizumachi’s tail swished, the boy was equally excited to meet the hairy creature as the hairy creature was in guiding the human towards the merman), Kobanzame the flounder gathered what courage he had and swam towards his friend, grabbing said friend by the tail and pulling with all his strength towards the deeper part of the waters. All his strength turned out not to be so much, and he only succeeded in dragging Mizumachi as far as the next batch of rocks, where Kobanzame the flounder tried his best to hide.

“What is it boy?”

A voice said, presumably belonging to the human who owned the hairy creature. Said hairy creature barked in reply, and Kobanzame the flounder had to slap a hand over Mizumachi’s mouth before his kouhai says anything, probably an exclamation of wonder over the way the hairy creature sounds.

Kobanzame the flounder risked a peek, and sure enough, the human and his hairy creature were standing in the vicinity where Mizumachi was. The hairy creature kept moving about, as if in great agitation, and it started smelling the air. Kobanzame the flounder gave out a little ‘eep’ when the hairy creature turned its head towards their current location and saw him watching. Right, that’s it, he thought, and without further ado, grabbed his kouhai by the hand and swam away.


“There’s nothing there…”

His dog made a pathetic whine and started sniffing at the rocks, as if willing them to cough up whatever it was he was chasing after. It probably was just some crab or some sort.

“Well, whatever it was, it’s not there anymore. Come along.”

Kakei Shun was confused with his dog. It was certainly behaving in a peculiar manner, getting excited over the rocks and waves as if it had never seen them before, when they just lived on the castle right beside the beach. In fact, the beach was still part of their property. He was, after all, the prince of Kyoshin, land of seafarers, sailors and fishermen, whose docks and ports were gateways for the rest of the continent, situated in a peninsula surrounded by the vast ocean. It would be safe to say that the whole kingdom was part of his property, being heir apparent. He sighed, patted his dog on the head, and headed back to the beach.

He had been working on plans and tactics for the upcoming athletic tournament held every year on the palace grounds for the various military and naval personnel in their employ. This year he had been allowed to join, since he was currently a student learning seafaring in the kingdom’s naval academy, but upon his joining everyone kept deferring to him, even his sempai. He was a bit afraid that they would let his team win just because he was prince, but even if that happened he still wanted to give his best during the tournament, hence his extended tuition. And the reason he studied tactics on the beach was because this was the only place he had…

“Prince! Prince Kakei!”

“What do you think you are doing, you monkey? That’s no way to look for the prince! This is how you look for the prince! PRINCE KAKEI, WHERE ART THOU?”

“The hell was that?!  How is that even different from how I…”

“Obviously you would not be able to comprehend.”

“Why you arrogant four-eyed jerk! Yeah I comprehend, that was how to sound like an idiot while looking for the prince!”

…well, it was the only place he could have studied in peace, until his two retainers/classmates found him. In actuality it was Kakei who went to them, because someone had to stop the bespectacled boy from cramming his fist down the weeping boy’s throat, at the same time the latter tried to kill the former by plugging two fingers to the nose’s holes as a primitive attempt to stop breathing.

“Ohira… Onishi. You were looking for me?”

After a couple of false starts and a series of bickering, the two managed between themselves to convey the message from the castle requesting the prince’s prompt return, since dinner would soon be served. Kakei gave his strategies drawn on the sand a look before erasing them with his foot, beckoned to his dog, and started his way back to the castle, his two retainers bickering behind him.


“Eh, they’re pretty funny, these humans, aren’t they sempai?”

Mizumachi, head peeking just above surface level, could not be dissuaded from watching the humans on the shore, no matter how Kobanzame kept urging for them to return to Atlantis.

“A-ha, ah… yes, very funny, now Mizumachi-kouhai, since they’ve left already maybe we can go back home now?”

When the naturally gregarious merman made no reply, Kobanzame moved a bit to see Mizumachi’s face, and groaned. There was that look again on the younger merman’s face: that interested light in his eyes and that smirk that signaled the approaching onslaught of trouble and migraines. Oh no, not again, he thought, and prayed to Poseidon that whatever it was in his kouhai’s mind he hoped that it wouldn’t be any worse than the seaweed and sea slug slime fiasco during the school dance. Kobanzame was still a bit traumatized by that even as of the moment, and it happened a year ago.

“I especially like the part when that one guy tried to throw that other guy over his shoulder. Ah, interesting! Humans are so interesting aren’t they?”

“Ah, no, you see one you see them all…”

“Oh?! Sempai has seen all humans? Wow!”

“Uh, that wasn’t what I meant…”

Prince Kakei, that was what the human with the piercing eyes was called. Prince Kakei… perhaps he was prince of that place? And that hairy creature that kept moving about the place, that was prince Kakei’s as well? Perhaps he is the prince of all hairy creatures? Ah, he had so many things to ask! Mizumachi swam faster in anticipation for tomorrow, when he would visit that place again. He didn’t notice that he’d already left a resigned Kobanzame behind.


to be continued.

mizumachi, fanfiction, mizumachi/kakei, kyoshin poseidon, kakei, eyeshield 21

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