Apr 03, 2006 21:20
Ahhh, I feel so lost. I miss you all so much. I don't want to become that little person we knew in 8th grade but then she went to a diferent school so we never saw her again. That would be bad. So yea.
Maria tell your brother to write down mesages.
So here is un brief synopsis of my life
I am in tennis which is way way way fucking better than lacrosse because I don't have to run so fucking much. They little lacrosse people run a mile a day. I don't, so burn.
I woked over my spring break (laugh if you want but now I have a summer job) woo-hoo. I also babysitted these two kids one of whom finds it physically mpossible to sit still for over 5 minutes. Gahhhhh!!! those days were hellish
I went to a concert. A real concert. It was The Starting Line and they were okay. But I've discovered that standing for 4 fucking hours listening to bands you don't know is not the best thing in the world. It's also annoying to be pushed by 6 ft. guys who are being assholes.
Still it wasn't that bad, The bands were okay but way better live thatn on their CDs
I also made a gummi bear burst into flames and watched Grizzly Man. The best part was when he cussed out the Forest Rangers for a whole fucking 5 minutes.
You know those people who just really get on your nerves and never seem to get the fact that the reason you're ignoring them is becuase you just don't care? How do you get rid of these people?
Ashleyith, my little sister is probably going to Mt. Tabor so is there like anything that she should know? Other thatn the fact that she is probabaly going to die
So ends the story of my life in March.
Anyway please tell me about what's going on in your lives. Ashley? Your moving? Fuck I am so fucking out of it. Please tell. And everyone Maria, Joci, Heather, Marie. Talk to me. If there is Rocky Horror I would love to go. I shall call you.